Chapter three

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Chapter three


Gracefully, Cassiel rose up into the sky; his large white shimmering wings seemed to glitter as the sun reflected on them.  Under one arm he held a medium sized silver box with a lid adjusted on top. Topaz’s secret ingredient. The air had an unusually cold feel to it and Cassiel shivered slightly as he flew past the River Carca and tall grassy mountains. When he reached Topaz’s sandy hideout located in the one desert region that existed in Heaven, he coughed a little cough and covered his mouth with one hand; he was not used to the musty and sandy feel to the air around him.

        In an instant, Topaz revealed herself as she popped out underneath piles and piles of golden sand. Cassiel jumped at the sudden movement but then softened and tried to stifle his nervous laugh. “Come, I’ve prepared a little feast for the two of us, but I’m short of one thing...” announces Topaz, her voice soft, calm and gentle. It was angelic quality, her voice, often she would be chosen to play the harp and sing for the rest of us at big events like at a new arrival of a Human.

      Cassiel quickly revealed the box from under his arm and handed it to her. “The secret ingredient?” Topaz beamed with joy as he handed the missing ingredient to her. She quickly ushered her friend to follow her and they both disappeared in her little home; which was cleverly camouflaged so that any intruder would see nothing but just sand evenly spread out on an eerily straight landscape.

      There were no trees in this side of Heaven only sand and desert; lots of creatures lived here too, like rattle snakes, desert lizards and all types of other desert animals. It was definitely not considered as one of the most favoured places in Heaven; in fact Angels despised this part of Heaven and avoided coming here at all costs. Some of us even wondered why God would even design such a place. It held very little attractiveness and at night it grew too cold, the mornings too hot and steamy and always you would encounter all sorts of vile desert creatures. But for Topaz, this was the perfect home.

       Topaz landed on the floor of her house with a thump of her boots and shortly after Cassiel followed. The young man looked around his friends’ little place, royal blue wallpaper, shiny sheepskin rug, a little purple crystal chandelier. This was Topaz’s world, obviously she also owned many other mystical furniture, the girl was very popular amongst the rest of the Angels, very much the contrary to Cassiel. She always welcomed you with a lovely cheerful smile and whenever she tilted her head to the side, her long curly shiny black hair hung around so delicately around her petite shoulders. Whenever she played the harp, Heaven would grow quiet and attentive, just listening to her play, watching her fingers move and her eyes closed, it was beautiful to watch and it wasn’t surprising if you found yourself in love with her.

     Cassiel traced his fingers on the wallpaper and smiled to himself as he watched his friend work on the dinner. He had always wanted to talk to her about his feelings, but didn’t think it was right. A perfect and pure girl like her didn’t deserve someone like him, a boy with the words heretic and a traitor associated with his name, all because of Lucifer. Sometimes he would blame himself for the past, maybe if he had been there constantly for Lucifer, maybe if he talked to him more, then maybe, just maybe this wouldn’t have happened.  

     Topaz finished adding the mystery ingredient to her breakfast and she caught her friend looking at her, she smiled and came to join him sitting on the sheepskin rug. She put a caring hand on his knee and frowned at him, “what’s wrong today?” Cassiel jumped slightly and shook his head slowly, it did not convince Topaz so she held one of his hands in her own and locked eyes with him, “You need to say, right now, something’s bothering you, I can tell” she whispered to him, in a serious tone. Cassiel looked up at her, wondering if he should tell her, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Both of the Angels who were concentrating on each other jumped and Topaz got up fast and ran to the door. Two more knocks and they seemed desperate, like they needed to get in and fast. Topaz rarely used the door, she used the overhead trapdoor to get in and out of her home, the door was just there to make it seem more refined. As she opened the door, a pair of pale grey eyes stared at her. Pale grey eyes. It was Elysian. He barged straight inside pushing past Topaz rudely. Cassiel stood up to his feet instantly and stared at the older Angel suspiciously. Elysian pointed at Cassiel, “you’re coming to the meeting today, aren’t you?” he asked him, with a tone that already determined his answer for him. He wanted Cassiel to attend the meeting. What meeting, though? Cassiel thought hard, trying to understand which meeting the boy was talking about.

     Instantly, Topaz sprang to his rescue appearing right beside him and giving him a quick glance, “I haven’t told him yet.” Elysian sneered at her disapprovingly and looked back at Cassiel, “the Lord has organized a special meeting for all of us to attend, it’s not clear why and what meeting it is for as of yet but it’s crucial and all must attend,” he recited, like he was reading it off something. When he saw the nervous look on Cassiel’s face he spluttered with a harsh tone, “It’s not a choice”. He looked at the young man and then at Topaz disgustedly, and walked backwards to the door, closing it behind him.

     Cassiel swallowed hard, unable to lift his eyes from the door. He reached a hand out to his friend and immediately, Topaz grabbed it and held it.

“So that’s why it was so quiet today...” the young man’s voice shook slightly as he said the words quietly.

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