Chapter two

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Chapter two.

-Cassiel’s P.O.V-

We do not age in Heaven. As far as I remember, I’ve looked very much the same during my 1762 years of living here. I am not old, not really- all the Angels here are around the same age as me and all of them apart from the odd few who were banished had witnessed Lucifer’s uproar a thousand years ago. Time here is measured very differently to how it is measured on Earth; for example the equivalent of 10 years over here equals 100 years on Earth. Before Humans depart Earth after death, they have up to 5 years to live in Protocol Swoon; which is the place you choose to stay which allows you to drift from Earth to the temporary Swoon. Many Humans will use this opportunity to stay and survey how their families are getting on, but obviously the most they can do is to only look over them, no words can be exchanged.

         After those 5 Earth years in Protocol Swoon the Humans will need to depart and come to Heaven. This is obviously after God has judged you in front of all the Angels. We don’t do much in these types ceremonies, different Angels get chosen every time to read the sacred passage for every human that has been permitted to enter Heaven. And that is all- no major active role. Maybe we have gotten bored of the repetition that goes on every time another Human dies, and the ceremony that follows it. Obviously, not all the Humans find their way to Heaven. Some Humans don’t, and that is never our dealing; we only deal with those that do. On all the faces of those Humans that successfully enter Heaven, I see the same emotions of relief and of serenity. I guess it would be a relief, after all nobody would like to be sent to the fiery depths of Hell, except Lucifer. But he is different, God appointed him as Satan and from the rumours I’ve heard he is enjoying his reign perfectly. Or so I’ve heard. I try not to think about him as much as I used to. Topaz used to tell me that if I think about him too much, I’ll grow paranoid and eventually I’ll go insane. But you can’t help yourself thinking about how your one true best friend is doing, and where he is. I loved him; he was more than a brother to me, more than anybody. He was like a part of me, so when he vanished, I too lost myself in my own grief. Eventually, I realised that he’s gone forever there is no point in my sadness no longer; he left me for good. Topaz called him a traitor, she told me not to worry about him as he had stabbed me right in the back. She called him a narcissistic jerk who only really ever cared about himself and nobody else. I don’t think I could have made it unscathed if it wasn’t for her. She saved me in a way and slowly but in time found myself again.

        My wings flutter slightly in the morning breeze and I spot a few small Human girls playing near the Moon Fountain. The Moon Fountain is a large circular fountain that is usually used for bathing and keeping cool in the sometimes very warm sun. It’s filled with pearls and jewels at the very bottom of it and the water is usually a shimmering emerald mirage, you almost see the gold treasures under the depths of water all shiny and magical. The fountain spouts pure flowing water. The children like the Moon Fountain and the only times we could bathe was when they left, which was a pain sometimes, because they never seemed to get bored and leave.

       The children were very small and fragile, not bigger than an elf; with their hair in little golden curls and their eyes the colour of the deep blue sea. They played in the Fountain among dozens of gold fishes, tossing coins and jewerally in the air. The children were almost loved to shreds by God, He treated each and every child with great care and gave them the precious gift of happiness and protection they needed so desperately. The Angels loved them too and often they would play with the tiny Human children and tell them stories about the past, which excited the children quite a lot.

      I yawned and stretched my wings to their full size and prepared for takeoff. I needed to visit Topaz; I needed to know why it was so quiet today out of all days.

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