What Do We Do

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Chapter 2: What Do We Do

Danny fazed though Jazz's door and walked over and put a hand on her. With in an instant the redhead shot upright.

"Danny... why must you do that in ghost form do you even know cold your hand is?" Jazz asked angrily. Danny had forgotten he was in ghost form.

"Sorry, but this is really important follow me." Jazz slowly followed her little brother. He walked through the door and she opened it and went to his room.

When she saw what was so important she was wide awake. "Is that your clone?" she asked already knowing the what the answer was, it was obvious they looked almost exactly alike they could have passed them selves off as twins if Danielle was 15, but instead she was a 12 year old female version of her brother.

Danny was pacing around the room, every time he looked at Dani Jazz saw something she had rarely seen in his eyes. He had a look of concern and love. "Yes that's Danielle."

"What happened to her? Is she going to stay with us? What are we going to tell mom and dad?" Jazz was firing question after question not giving Danny time to answer them.

Danny was starting to get annoyed so he walked over and put a hand on Jazz's shoulder making her stop talking. "Ok in order she is destabilizing, yes she's going I stay with us I'm not letting her go again, and as for mom and dad we'll let her decide it's her secret to tell not mine." Danny removed his hand when Jazz relaxed.

Then Jazz asked one more question, "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know", there was a long pause a the two siblings thought about what they could do to help their new found sister, then Danny finally came up with something. "Of course why didn't I think sooner.... of course he'll help us." Jazz ha no idea what her brother was talking about, but when she was about to ask him they both heard a moan.

"Where am I?" Dani tried to sit up, but a hand gently pushed her back down, when she was about to fight the person she realized who it was. "Danny! What happened? Where am I?"

Danny set down beside her. "Okay again in order, I found you in an ally and brought you back here, you passed out on the way, an you are in my room."

"Oh well thanks I better get goin' then thank you." Dani got up and was about to go though the wall when Danny grabbed her arm and brought her into a hug.

"You aren't going anywhere you are a part of this family now and we don't let family live an the streets to fend for them selves."

Jazz was on the brink of tears after listening o her brother. He really did care about this girl. "You still want me here every time I came I bring something bad. The first time I helped Vlad kidnap you, then I got you caught by the red huntress." Dani was also about to cry.

"Dani both times it was Vlad and now he's floating around in space, and he is never in a million years coming back." Danny paused to let it sink in before telling her something important, "Oh and by the way I think I might just know a way to help stabilize you with out ecto dejecto, but I won't tell you if you don't tell mom and dad at least a little about your self, Jazz already knows you are my clone but that's about it."

Dani sighed in defeat the grumbled, "Fine you win."

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