Messing With Mom And Dad

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Chapter 5: Messing With Mom And Dad

On the way back home the twins and Jazz cane up with a idea to have some fun, they were going to prank their parents. They got home and Danny garbed Jazz's hand and turned both of them invisible soon followed by Danielle. They flew upstairs so Jazz could grab her video camera then they went into the living room and Jazz hide while Danny and Dani walked over to their parents still invisible and grabbed what every they were doing and while Jack and Maddie were in shock they gave then what the other was doing and stole the cookies off the table and floated upstairs. After they were gone Jazz started to count down, "3... 2... 1".

"GHOST!!!!!" yelled Jack. That's when Danny and Dani came back with an empty plate of cookies and crumbs on their face.

Dani? Is that you, what happened when you left you were 12 now your 15?" Then she noticed the plate, "Did you eat all those cookies?"

Danny and Dani looked at each other and back to their mom and smiled sheepishly and said in unison, "it was her/his idea."

"I told you it was bad idea to eat the cookies." Dani whispered quite enough so only Danny would hear her.

"Hey you ate them too." Danny defend.

"Oh and to-" dani started remembering the other questions.

"Answer your questions-" Danny said.

"Frostbite stabilized me-" Dani said.

"Using my DNA and she-" Danny said.

"Aged to catch up with him." Dani finished. They both smirked at the shocked looks on their parents faces and the annoyed one on Jazz.

"When did you start doing that?" asked Jack still shocked.

"When I woke-" Dani started.

"Up from the tube-" Danny said.

"I was in to let Danny's DNA sink into mine and stabilize me." Dani finished.

Then Maddie remembered something, "Oh yeah Dani", Maddie started.

"What?" The twins said at the same time then they looked at each other, "She was talking to me."

Before they started arguing Maddie continued, "Danielle", Dani stuck her tounge out at Danny and he some thing, "we have something for you I think you're going to like it."

"Ok but we need to find me another nickname 'cause this is going to going to get confusing so any ideas?" Said Dani.

"How about Elle?" Asked Danny.

"No how about Dani-girl?" Asked Jack.

"That's just like Danny's nickname or you dad, it needs to be something original like dee dee." Said Jazz.

"How about.... I got nothing." Said Maddie.

"I like Danny's, but only he can call Elle. The rest of you just call me Danielle or whatever you want just not Elle. So what did you get me?" Dani said.

"Well it's not something we bought, but just go into the room next to Danny's." said Maddie.

With that all three kids ran up the stairs and in front of the door. Danny and Dani looked at each other and then Jazz opened the door to revel a room with walls the same shade green as their eyes in ghost form. Her bed had a white comforter, black sheets, and bright green pillow cases. There was a desk and a book self in the room as well. Two more doors were on the opposite wall. One door was a walk in closet and the other was bathroom that had the same color skim a the bedroom.

"This is all for me?" Asked a very shocked Danielle.

"Yep it's just for you. We were planing redoing Danny's room too, but we wanted to make sure he didn't mind. So Danny do you want to remodel your room?" Maddie asked. When they looked at Danny they had to suppress a chuckle.

He was just standing there with his mouth open, his eyes where the size of dinner plates. Finally he said something. This. Is. So. Cool." He said.

"I'll take that as a yes. If you want to add or change anything just let me know and we work on getting it." Maddie said. They were about to walk out of the room, well her and Jack were attempting to drag Danny out of the room so they could get started on his room.

Suddenly Dani came up with a idea that could go in both their rooms, "Acutely I think I have an idea for both our rooms." Dani said. Everyone stopped and looked at her with their eyebrows raised.

"Oh and what would that be Elle?" Danny asked using her nickname for the first time.

Dani quickly answered, "I was thinking that we should get our logos on our bedspreads, and maybe our pillows cases."

"That acutely a good idea. We can have the same colors except I leave my walls blue, and instead of green pillow cases I get blue and we switch the color of the comforter and sheets." Said Danny. They nodded in agreement and everyone except the twins left the room.
"Ok mom told me that she enrolled you in school, but she she enrolled you for freshmen; she going to change it before Monday. I told her to tell the Principle to keep it a secret. I figured we could have same fun with it for a little bit." He explained the school problem.

Dani nodded and added, "Pulling some pranks could be fun. One question are we going to tell Sam and Tucker or are they to be victims of the pranks?'

Danny smirked and said, "I was thinking we would get them first, luckily they both gone over the break so they have no idea that I have gone fora few days. So you have any ideas on how to prank them?"

"I gotta a few grab a pen this is going to take a while." Dani said as she sat down on her new bed while Danny grabbed a pen and paper and sat at her desk. They stayed up all night caming up with ideas on how to prank everyone.

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