The Far Frozen

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Chapter 4: The Far Frozen

Danny was at the wheel because he was the only one the knew where they were going. Jazz sat next to him asleep, she had been in here a lot since the world found out Danny secret she had became a official member of Team Phantom after that. Danielle was in the back looking out the window and taking it all in.

About an hour later they made it to The Far Frozen with no attacks. Just like Danny thought they had to the village, it was about a mile or two away. They climbed out of the speeder and got all their gear and headed to the village. They made it 15 minutes later with one very cold Jazz. When they got to the middle of the village they were met with a huge yeti that was white from head to toe with one ice paw. He had a very large smile.

"Ah Great One to what do we owe to the honer of your visit to our fine village?" asked the yeti; Danny could have sworn he heard giggles from behind him.

"Frostbite it's good to see you too, but I need your help you see my little sister Danielle is destabilizing and I was wondering if you had anything to stabilize her?" Danny said.

Frostbite had a shocked look on his face, "I thought you one sister, and we have a few experimental solution." he finally said.

"He does only have one biological sister I'm his clone, and if you think that any of them will work thens let's hear it." Dani said witch surprised Danny. He didn't expect she would tell him that she was a clone.

Once again Frostbite had a shocked expression, "A clone well that explains why you look so similar while the Great One and his other sister look almost nothing alike, well anyway we have two options they both work, one more that the other, but they take few days to do. The first she would have to be put to sleep while in a tube, similar to the one you were in when you last visited Great One. We would put some DNA stabilizer in it and leave her in there for at least two days. The second option works much more and there is a possibility she will became your age Great One. For this one we would transfer DNA from The Great One into Danielle so that his could stabilize her, it takes a little longer though." He finished.

"How much longer?" asked all three siblings.

"Well four maybe five days. We would put both to sleep for just a little and do the transfer and we would put Danielle in a tube and wait for the DNA to do it's job. Then you would have to stay one more day to make sure it worked and then you would be free to go and not worry about destabilizing again." Frostbite paused and waited for their answer.

They all looked at each other and at the same time said, "Second one."

Then with a nod of his head, Frostbite led them to the medical faculty to get started. Soon Danny and Dani were asleep and Jazz was talking to one of the yetis learning more about the procedure. When they began all the yetis left the room and went to the room Jazz and Frostbite were in to watch. When everyone was out of the room both tubes they were in started glowing and then the thin tube that connected them together glowed as some of Danny's DNA was transferred into Dani. As quick as it started it was over.

Soon after Danny woke up and was let out of his tube and him and Jazz were led to the room they were going to stay in. They waited for two days and then Dani finally woke up and she was Danny's age. When Jazz saw them she was shocked she knew they looked alike, but not this much. They really were twins, but that's not what really shocked her; it was the way they talked. They would finish the others sentence; at first it was funny, but after a while it got annoying.

"Jazz when do-" Dani started.

"Leave we're bored." Danny finished.

"Ok two things, first we will leave tomorrow, and second stop doing that its annoying." Jazz was was bored and the twin talk didn't help.

"It's not-" Danny started.

"Our fault it just sorta-" Dani continuted.

"Happens." they finished together.

"Well make it not happen." Jazz snapped. With that she went back to the room and fell asleep, soon joined by Danny and Dani.

The next day they went home with a slightly happier Jazz.

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