Chapter XIV: The Princess

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The guards continue charging towards you, swords raised. You count seven of those barbarians in heavy pursuit. They continue to yell slander and vulgar to energize their oncoming. They block the slope down the hill. The woods on your left and the cliff edge on your right act like barricades. This leaves only powering forward or retreating back. What do you do?

I throw my hands up in the air and say,"Oh please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to do it! I was being controlled by an evil sorcerer! He's in the forest with my sisters. You have to help me!"

The guards slow down as they get about a few yards away. You can tell that they don't believe your little tale. The tallest of the group says sarcastically,"Sure, and I'm being controlled by the Writer." The others chuckle at the joke, but keep their attention locked on you. "Now how are we going to do this? Am I going to stab you in the heart or cut you into a thousand pieces?"

"How about none of the above." I rush forward and snap his neck.

He collapses at your feet, but you are far from finished. There are still six guards, and they all surround you in an instant. They raise the tips of their swords to your neck. The points barely piercing skin. The biggest and most barbaric of them all says in a deep voice through his teeth,"Got any other fancy tricks mad man?"

"Nope." I lie. "That was about it. So are you going to kill me now or arrest me first?"

He smiles, his yellow teeth showing under his black mustache. "Kill."

"Well you're wasting daylight, Skippy."

"I enjoy playing with my food." He lifts his blade higher, causing you to raise your chin. "It keeps the job interesting."

"I bet you do, but have you ever had your food play back?" I roll under his sword and kick him in the gut. I grab his sword as he drops it to the ground. I wisp behind his back and put his own weapon on him by pulling in tight against his throat.

The other guards stare in shock, trying to figure out what just happened. The big guard roars in anger,"Don't just stand there! KILL HIM!"

I press the sword closer to his neck. Blood runs down my arm."Down boys. You don't want anyone to get hurt, now do you?"

They think for a moment, considering what you said. Then one blurts out "Eh, no one really liked you Roger. No offense" Then three of them raise their swords for the attack.

I throw my sword into one of their necks. I dive forward and take his sword for he no longer needs it. I use it to stab the second in the chest. I then parry the third, and cut at his throat.

You have let Roger live, and he takes this advantage. He grabs your arms from behind and holds them tight while he whispers into your ear. "Nice try Mad Man." He lunges with his knife, but before he can make contact he is taken by a shadowy figure. The figure leaps from out of nowhere and tackles Roger to the ground. It then proceed to behead Roger in a swift slice. His head rolls down the hill.

"Wonderful, more competition. What is your name, sir? So that I might be able to call you something when either I am forced to befriend you or kill you. Seeing as those are the only things I'm allowed to do here anyway."

The remaining guards run away in fear as the shadowy figure says in a calm voice,"There are only friends and enemies in this world. There are those we trust and those we don't. It's important to know who is which." He turns to face you, but all you can see is his smirking mouth on his face. "I will not tell you my real name, we are not well enough acquainted. But you can call me Blade, for that is what most people call me."

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