Chapter XIX: The Business Meeting

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Sarah's body sinks to the ground, dying, by your hands. How could you do that to her? She had never done anything wrong to you. Now you'll have no one to be with you on your perilous quest of loneliness. I still don't understand what your reason was to kill her.

I killed her to show you that I am in charge, not you. I can do whatever I want, and you are not in control of me. You can't do anything to stop me.

But killing Sarah? Why take it so far?

To get my point across. Have I gotten my point across yet?

Yes, I believe you have.

Good. Now bring her back to life.

Wait, what?

Bring her back to life. I still need her.

You're the one who killed her!

And you're the one who wants her still alive.

Don't you?

Yes, but you do more. You can't stand seeing your little creation waste away. I know, I've been there. So bring her back to life.

I can't just bring her back to life, that wouldn't make any sense. Besides, you stabbed her, she should be dead already.

No. Watch this. I pull the knife out of her back, which I had carefully placed to dodge any vital organs.

Augh, fine. If you give her CPR right now she will come back to life. Her heart is still beating.

I give her CPR.

Sarah regains consciousness, gasping for air and coughing up blood. She moves her hands around on the ground until she finds your knife. She picks it up and swings it making a slash across your face. The cut starts at your nose, cuts your eyebrow, and across your head. “TAKE THAT YOU SON OF A GENIE!” She screams.

I take the knife out of her hand and throw it behind me, “Now, Your Majesty, let's play nice eh?”

“WHY?!” Sarah yells as she coughs up more blood and bleeds from her back. “TAKE OFF MY BLINDFOLD! NOW!”

I take off the blindfold. “Here, lets try this then.” I take the cloth and tie it around her waist over the wound to help prevent more bleeding. “Better?”

“Better? You're the one who STABBED me!”

“That's good then. We must get back to work.”

“Back to... WHAT?! You just stabbed me!”

“Yes, I was there. Now come follow me.” I lead her back to the Guild base.

She gives the appearance of a kettle that has been sitting on the burner for much to long. Steaming out of every pour. But, because YOU'RE the one in charge, she follows along. Well, more like you have to help her trudge there, because she was just stabbed, and that hurts, a lot. But eventually you make it into the bakery, into the storeroom, and down the tunnel. When you arrive you meat a large group. While you were away, many of the other members of the Guild have returned. There is shouting and chaos as the thieves discover the dead bodies and fire. They yell at each other, confused and angry. Then one man notices you come in and yells “Hey, who the hell are you?! Maybe he has something to do with all this!”

I grin widely. “Good evening ladies. As you can see, I've killed all your leaders. Now you can join me or die. What say you?”

The men are silent, and some are a bit angered and confused. It is a very tense atmosphere, as no one knows quite what to do. It almost feels like they're going to erupt at any moment. Then one guy shouts from the back “You are worthy of power! Only a true assassin's leader would assassinate the old leadership. Plus you're bleeding from a cut on your face. You're perfect!” Then the others begin to nod in agreement. The subtle agreeing grows into a cheer and a roar in you favor.

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