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"Hey Harmony! I miss you lots! The bus broke down, but oh well. It is Friday the 13th so...Yeah. Anywhore, how's life?!" My voice cut through the silence. Nobody took interest, so I stood up and walked a bit deeper into the wheat field.

"I seriously miss my best friend.." My voice was weak. It was slightly cracked from neglect of any water.

"You know, I have ignored Kellin for a month now. I still don't feel better. I still feel sickened. You are the only person I keep contact with...Don't fail me, okay? Alright. I miss Skyping you, and hearing you fangirl for Asking Alexandria and Black Veil Brides. But, I miss singing with you. Has it been very stormy out there? I just have way to many questions..." I sighed at the end. I had been away from home for a month now, also. I left so I could keep away from Kellin Quinn. Yes, the lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens. I know what you're thinking, 'He has a wife and child!' but truthfully, you don't know the half of it. My name is Brooklyn Mackenzie, I am 23, and a proud artist on the run. Music and art are the two things I commit too. Well, once upon a time I committed to Kellin. I bit my bottom lip, looking into the camera.

"I still love Kellin. But his daughter and wife needs him..." I had ran off from Kellin the minute I made a mistake. I had sex with him. I kissed him, and called him mine. He had an affair on his wife, with me. Now he is everywhere I go. His memory is lingering in my presence. Breathing in slowly, I tapped the end button on the phone, and shoved it into the stretched pocket of my jeans. I made my way back to the bus.

"Well, it is getting late and this mother fucker won't work! Face it Joe, we won't be going anywhere tonight unless we walk!" The man who was helping shouted.

"I'll be damned if I leave this bus!" Joe, the driver, retorted.

"And we will be damned if we stay here! Be sensible for once!" The man shouted once again.

"Be sensible?! Think Mike, how is walking in the night sensible?! I don't reckon it is!" Joe raised his voice at Mike.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. I was fed up with the argument. It was pointless, and listening to it made me cringe.

"Will you all stop yelling?" A voice spoke calmly. I turned on my heel to face the last man. How was he the right mind? I didn't have a true term for this man, just knowing he could be calm at this moment made me sick.

"Why? So we can sit here and freeze our asses off? Stay here to die? Is that what you want? Because who the hell knows what's out there, out here?" I spoke cooly, right into his face.

"Nobody wants those thoughts running through their head, now do they?" He used the same tone as I did, and didn't falter as my glare increased.

"Watch your back, pretty boy. I am NOT in the mood to deal with jack offs like you!" I sneered at him.

"Just back off Lucas.." Joe sighed.

"Sure!" Lucas yelled while turning away. And I had to deal with that attitude? This should be fun.

"Katy..." The one other woman whispered to the little girl. She gently shook her until her precious little eyelids fluttered open.

"Mmm mommy?" She was obviously soft-spoken. Her voice so...pure. I smiled sadly, wondering if there was a way to keep some a gem so perfect and young.

"You have been sleeping a while now, and wanted you to have something to eat," Her mom smiled while handing her a small snack. They both sat there, eating. Wow, I hadn't ate or drank for a long time. But, it was because I didn't really come prepared. Just walked away from the mess me and Kellin made. From my family, From my best friend. From my life.

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