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"You hungry?" The woman asked. I snapped out of my trance and game her a sad excuse of a grin.

"A little. But you guys should keep it for yourself." With each word, I regretted. But this woman saw through the lie. She patted the spot next to her. I slowly moved over there with my stuff.

"I know you are lying. Why are you traveling all alone? I'm Lee by the way," Lee spoke while giving a sincere, warm smile to me. I returned it, and she handed me a simple sandwich. I accepted gratefully.

"Drama, Life wasn't being fair so I ran away from it." I whispered.

"I understand. Katy and I left because her father was...violent." My heart broke at those words. Innocent little Katy? God letting a man lay his hands on her? That wasn't right, someone should have been there.

"How violent..?" I said, still in shock.

"He attempted to beat Katy, did twice, but I stood up for her." My heart broke again. I wish I could do something, but I couldn't. I awkwardly gave her a hug from the side.

"I barely even know you, but I can tell neither of you deserved it. You are a nice woman, Lee, with such a lovely daughter. Forget him and your past and just restart.." I told Lee. I wanted for someone to say them to me so may times. I could only hope that was what she wanted to hear.

"Thank you, so much.." She instantly returned my hug. I finally took a bite from my sandwich, and held back a moan. It was very good, I realised how much I missed eating.

"I never caught your name, you know, dear." She said with a big smile.

"Brooklyn Mackenzie." I said, not needing to pretend happiness.

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