Chapter 13: Oh crap

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"I missed you..." Jb said. I dont think I have ever been hugged so much in my life. But I liked it. Jb's hugs were like getting compliments. You can never get tired of them.

We were like that for a long time. That is until Sara interrupted us.

"*cough cough* Ummm, not trying to ruin the moment but we actually came to get you for school." Sara said standing in my doorway with her arms crossed.

Wow. Great. School.


Sara and I got a ride from Jb. I was suprised that he actually used his car instead of his motorcycle. He claimed that his baby was 'resting'.

Guys and their machinery used for transportation.


"Jb go the speed limit!" Sara snapped. Jb was driving the way he normally does.

"Atleast we arent on his motorcycle. Its way worse." I said. Sara chuckled a bit at Jb's expression. His resting bitch face was better than mine.

When we got to school, Jb unlocked the doors allowing Sara to get out. As I was gathering my stuff, he locked the doors and drove off with me still inside his car.

"Um Jb, Im still in here." I say sticking my head between the seats.

"Duh, Im not blind. Who said you were going to school?" Jb said.

"Then where are we going?"

"A place we can talk."


The drive wasnt long, but it was long enough that I fell asleep.

"Wake the fuck up or people will think that you are dead." Jb complained from the front seat.

With my eyes still closed I said, "Dont twist your jock strap."

"Wow your using Chanyeol's jokes?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I didnt reply. I just smiled to myself in the back seat.


Jb drove us to a Starbucks. Normally teens would hang out here but not on school days.

"So im here to talk to you about what happened." He said with a serious expression.

My heart dropped. No one has mentioned it in a few days.

"What about it?" I said blankly.

"I want to explain my part in this." Jb said, grabbing my hand. I look up to meet his pleading eyes.

I just nod, and he begins.

"Okay. So Chanyeol told me he had no clue about who Mark really was until Sara confronted him. Sara told him what happened between you and Mark. You should've seen his face. He looked like he wouldve killed Mark then and there." Jb said with wide eyes. I just smiled.
"He told me Sara was back with Mark. I was really pissed, but Chanyeol told me he had a plan. Except when I found out Sara wasnt apart of the plan, and went back to Mark on her own, I didnt know what to do. Chanyeol told me he knew of Mark's plan for you. He told me the location. Lexi?" Jb said. I looked up at him when he called my name. I then realized I had been staring at the floor.

"Yes." I ask expressionless.

"Chanyeol did everything he did to save you. He told me that he was going to have to undress you for Mark. I also knew that had to suck ass for him to do. So before Mark called him in the room, he had me on the phone the entire time. I heard everything. That's how I was able to forgive Chanyeol. Because if I was in his shoes I would've done the same." Jb says, grabbing my other hand.

I look up to see Jb's sincere eyes.
He might not be an asshole after all...


Jb and I sat there for 3 more hours. He told me a lot about his and Kaitlyn's relationship. They didnt really act like a couple. It was that type of relationship your in for comfort. He loved her but in a different way. Like a brother would love a sister. Then he brought up my past.

"So, have you ever been in love?" He asked.

"Yes. I loved Chanyeol, but there was a guy before that I was in love with." I said.

"Luhan?" Jb suddenly said. I look up confused only to meet his curious eyes.

"Did Sara tell you?" I ask. Even though I know she did.

"She told me that Luhan was your only boyfriend you ever fell in love with." He said looking up at me on the last part.

He looked jealous.

"I did. Luhan was a year older than me. He used to live in your house." As soon as I said that, Jb stiffened.

"I found something in my closet. Its for you." He said. His face was serious now. Almost scary.

Jb drove us back to his house. He barely turned off the car before getting out and hurrying inside his house.

By the time I walk into his house, he is rushing down the stairs with a box in his hand.

The lid of the box has 'L+L' engraved into it

Ive seen that box before. Luhan stored everything from our relationship in there.

As I lift the lid up, I see a note folded on top of pictures, notes, etc.

I open the note and read,

Dear the Luckiest person alive....

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