Chapter 6: Morning of the Mall

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I woke up this morning feeling the sun on my face. It blinded me when I opened my eyes. I checked my phone.

I tryed turning it on,but it wouldnt I was confused.

Then it hit me .. I fell in the lake. Another thing ruined by Justin. I sighed. I took my phone and ran downstairs.

I got out a bag of rice.

I shoved my phone inside the rice.

My friend Katie showed me this when she picked up the phone In the shower. She said.the rice soakes up all the water and your phone starts working again.

I ran back upstairs and picked out a Black shirt with a gold heart on it and my jean shorts and placed it on my bed. I walked to the bathroom with my towel and jumped in the shower. After I was done I wrapped the towel around myself and walked into my room. I got changed into the clothes I laid out on my bed earlier. I then put my black high top converses on and let my hair out wet and wavy put lipgloss on and ran downstairs. I got my phone out of the bag of rice and turned it on.

It worked.


As soon as I turned it on I got a call from Katie I answered it.

"Hey Alex do you wanna come to the mall with me?"

"Sure is Charlotte going?"

"No she had to take care of her little brother"

"Oh ok so youll pick me up?"

"Yea ill be there in fifteen."

"ok honk when your outside."

"Ok bye"


I hung up checking the time


I threw the rice away because it had soaked up dirty lake water and sat on the living room couch and watched T.V


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.


"Hello?" I asked in a groggy voice.

"Yea Justin?"


"Dude!Yout still asleep its 1:00!!"


"Yea me and chaz wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall with us we were gonna get new kicks."

"Uh... Yea sure just lemme take a shower and get dressed and ill be ready in fifteen."

"ok well be downstairs"

"Ok bye"


I got up and dragged my self to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower got out and ran into my room finding something to wear.

I finally chose Black dennim jeans with a white V-Neck shirt and I put my leather jacket on and I fixed my hair putting on my black vans.

I ran downstairs with my phone in my hand.

"Mom ill be right back im going out with Ryan and Chaz!"

"Okay but be back before six!!"


And with that I opened the door to see Ryan and Chaz waiting in Ryans Black Camaro.

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