Chapter 37: Jealous Much?

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As I walked down the hallway scanning my eyes over every inch of the hall I couldn't help but yell at my eyes for being blind an not seeing Justin.
I rolled my eyes. I kept walking looking and searching for him until I accidentally bumped into one of the Jock's hard and muscular chest.
I looked up seeing green familiar eyes.
"Oh sorry" I blushed noticing every feature on him.
His pitch black spiked hair made into a quif like style sort of like Justin's and his light red lips that he seems to lick and that's when he chuckled and I saw those perfect straight white teeth.
"It's alright."

I suddenly snapped out of my trance and realized He furrowed his eye brows and suddenly his eyes went wide and he checked me out up and down.
I had to remind myself that I had a boyfriend and his name was JUSTIN!!! Earth to Alexandra!!
"Hey your Alexandra right?" he said enthusiastically.
I giggled "that i am" giving him a smile
He held out his hand "Hey I'm Luke," I took his warm hand as he shook it gently "Luke Michelson"
"Nice to meet you Luke Michelson" I grinned as he chuckled
"Hey you know we should hang out sometime"
I smiled " I don't know are you going to kidnap me and kill me" I asked jokingly but ever so dramatic
He chuckled "No never, besides I should get to know you before any of that happens!" I hit him playfully as we both laughed.
"So umm hey can I call you sometime?"
I bit my lip.. "Umm... uh..."
Suddenly just as I was about to say something a very pissed off Justin stormed over to us
"Oh umm hi justin"
He glared at Luke
He grabbed me tightly by my waist never taking his stare off of Luke
"Justin what are you-"
"Who the hell do you think you are? Hanging around MY girl like that?!" he asked angrily
Luke's eyes widened and he looked at me with a look of hurt and defeat I looked down biting my lip
I should of told him...
he looked back at Justin
"Hey man I don't want any trouble I didn't know she was-"
"Well now you know so back the fuck off because she's mine and if I EVER see you with her again you're dead and I'll make sure of that!"
He angrily grabbed my wrist as he stormed through the crowd of people watching I looked back and saw Luke's hurt face and guilt immediately rushed over me.
The pain in my wrist stung
"Justin your hurting me" he ignored me dragging me to well to where god only knows where
"Justin!" I screamed as I pulled my wrist roughly away from his grip.
He stared at me glaring
"What the hell is your problem?! We were just talking!"
"Yea well I saw the way he looked at you and the way you were laughing and shoving him all playful and I didn't like it! Alexandra your mine and no one else's "
I stood there shocked
"No save it,.... just save it"
"No Justin" I grabbed his wrist from running away

" Your the only boy in my life that I love and will ever love untill the day I die, I didn't know you would get upset like that"
He sighed taking his hands as he pulled the ends of his hair
He looked at me and gave me a smile chuckling
I returned the smile and went closer going on my tip toes to meet his lips and I kissed him as a passionate love and sorry kiss
As we pulled back I smiled
"So you were a little jealous I see?" I smirked at him and he went red
"Uhm uh -no I just umm," I kissed his cheek "its ok if you do" I whispered


"It's ok if you do" she whispered in my ear feeling her hot breath sending me chills and I swear she was turning me on
She intertwined our fingers and gave me a smile and I returned it
We walked down the hall hand in hand
I bit my lip
"Hey how's about we get out o here?"
Her eyes widened
"You wanna ditch?!" she whispered loudly
"Yea" " I mean it would be the bad girl thing to do" I said as I trailed my finger down her arm and up her back to her neck and I slowly leant in kissing her neck softly and started to suck on a spot I was comfortable with and that I knew she was definitely comfortable with too.
"Justin" she sighed almost in a moan I grinned pulling back
"Yes princess?" I pushed her hair behind her ear.
"Let's go" a smile flashed across my face
"Yes! alright hurry before someone sees us" I said grabbing her wrist but she pulled back
I furrowed my eyebrows looking back at her
She bit her lip
"Wait I have an idea... were doing this my way"
She looked to her left and I groaned looking that way to
"Oh hell no"
She nodded "Come on" she said grabbing my Wrist I don't know what she's doing but it's a very bad idea.

~* ohh I'm starting to like these little cliff hangers so you'll defiantly will be seeing more 😏😏😏 ily you lovelies so STAY SWAGGIE!!!~* READ VOTE COMMENT SHARE!!!

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