Chapter 52: Drunk in Love

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"I do believe that you should be worrying more about school than some girl."

"She is not some girl." I spat.

"How dare you act like you know me when you weren't even here half of my life!"

He put the dishes in the sink sighing.

"Your life will be ruined if you keep acting like this girl actually loves you."

"She does love me. And that's something you won't ever feel or have." And with that I pushed the chair out of my way making it screech on the floor boards.

"Don't you walk away from me Justin." my father shouted.

I stomped up the stairs getting to my room and slamming the door shut and locking it.

My father pounded his fists on the door.

"Open this door Right this instant!" he shouted.

I threw on my jacket slipping it over my self and pulling the hoodie on my head.

My father kept pounding on the door yelling and cursing.

I opened my window sneaking out and jumping down to the ground.

"Fuck!" I yelled. tugging on the ends of my hair.

He ruins everything.

I don't know where I'm going, part of me wants to run to Alexandra and apologize for what happened but part of me just wants to walk it off and see her tomorrow.

I bit my lip, sighing. I'll just see her tomorrow.

As I walked in the rain I couldn't help but think of my mom.

Why would she just leave like that? She would always call or text, leave a note or something if she did leave for a trip or something.

Did she just get upset?

What did my father do?

Anger rushed through me. I rolled my eyes,stomping every step of the way.

But where was I going?

My phone battery was at 6% and I had about 30 bucks on me it was 9:00 and I was probably lost somewhere downtown.

I kept walking until I was soaking wet.

I'm getting sick of this rain.

I stopped in front of a bar.

I bit my lip and slowly walked inside as I slowly slid onto one of stools beside the counter.

The man looked at me.

"You alright?"

I nodded.

"Yea just get me a shot of vodka."

He nodded putting his towel over his shoulder and pouring me my order.

He handed it to me and I quickly 'shot' it down my throat.

"Two more." I said slamming down the shot glass.

"Umm.. kid this costs some money-"

Before he could say anything else I slammed down a 10 dollar bill onto the table.

"I said I want two more." I snapped.

He quickly took the money and poured me some more drinks.

This was going to be a long night.


As I laid in bed and watched some tv I couldn't keep my mind off of what happened at Justin's house.

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