Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

***** Paul's POV *****

I hope Selina's not mad at me for giving her number to Ben.

To Selly: Hey Selly! I hope you're not mad at me for giving your number to Ben.

Yes, I changed her name on my phone to Selly. I gave her that nickname and I like it. So, why not change it to that right?

From Selly: No problem! Thanks by the way.

To Selly: For what?

From Selly: I have a date with Ben tomorrow. So thank you for giving him my number :)

To Selly: You're Welcome

I frowned. I guess Selina doesn't like me back if she's going on a date with Ben tomorrow. All I know is that my feelings towards her keep growing every time I see her. She's just so amazing. But I guess, we're stuck being best friends. That's better than nothing right?

I wish I could call her mine though. She's an awesome person and her personality is just wow! She's unique, down to earth, caring, let's just say she's an amazing person to hang out with. I bet she'll make a great girlfriend. I know how Ben is and he better not hurt her.

Ben's a player and I just don't want Selina to end up getting hurt. There was this one time Carter was dating Ben, but Ben cheated on her with the whore of the school. Typical. I remember Carter would not want to go to school because she didn't want to see his face.

When I introduced Carter to Danny everything changed. Carter forgave Ben and she's actually friends with him. Carter feel inlove with Danny and I could tell. I'm glad they're together now. Danny's a great guy and I'm not just saying that because he's my best friend. Danny's just like Carter. They're both sweet, caring, awesome people! They're right for each other.

I sometimes wish that Selina could see that I'm here. You know. Like realize that I like her and maybe just maybe she'll feel the same way. You know what I mean?

You know when you get a new toy, you play with it all the time at first. Then one day, you don't play with it anymore and you don't want it anymore. That toy was Ruby. Well, she's not a toy, she's a person of course. And then one day, you get a new toy. And this toy you know that you'll never stop playing with it. Then you start to love this toy so much and you never want to let go of it. That's Selina. Well, yeah. I hope I got my point across.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing on my lap.

*** Phone Call From: Carter ***

P- Hey Carter!

C- Hey Paul. How are you?

P- I'm fine thanks for asking. You?

C- You're not fine Paul. I can tell from your voice and I'm good.

P- *sighs* Fine, I'm not fine.

C- What's wrong?

P- Selina's going on a date with Ben.

C- Is someone jealous?

P- Yes I am. You know I like Selina. I just don't want her to get hurt.

C- Like I did right?

P- Yes. I'm sorry that I'm bringing that up.

C- It's okay. That was the past. Since I met Danny, I've learned to forgive and forget.

P- What should I do, Carter?

C- Talk to her. Tell her what happened to me and give her some advice. I know you like her and all but if she wants to go on a date with Ben, all you could do right now is help her not to fall for any of his tricks. Me and you both know how Ben is. We both don't want to see Selly get hurt. So go and tell her.

P- Okay. Thanks Carter! I'll see you tomorrow.

C- See you tomorrow Paul. Good luck! Bye

*** End Of Conservation ***

I'll go right now over to her house. I got in my car since I was at the post office picking up fan mail. I drove for like 25 minutes and finally got home. I parked my car in the driveway and jogged to Selina's house. I knocked on her door and she answered it.

"Hey Paul." Selly greeted me. She moved over a bit to let me inside the house. "Hey Selly." I said sticking my hands in my pockets. She shut the door and ran upstairs. I waited for her to come back downstairs. She finally came back with my jacket in hand. "Thanks for letting me use it." she told me handing me my jacket.

"No problem. Can we talk?" I asked. "Sure." Selly said. She went over to the couch and sat down. She patted the spot next to her signaling me to sit down. "What do you want to talk about?" she asked as I sat down. "Look Selina. There's some stuff you need to know about Ben."

She nodded telling me to continue. "Carter and Ben dated for 8 months and he cheated on her. Did you know that?" I asked. She shook her head, "No but what does Carter's old relationship with Ben have to do with my date with him?" she asked. "I'm just warning you Selina. I don't want to see you get hurt." I stated.

"Thanks for the warning Paul, but I know how to take care of myself." Selly said. "You're so harsh on me when I'm just trying to help you." I said. "I never did ask for your help." she spat back. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." I said getting up.

"I'm sorry Paul. You're right. You're only trying to help me and I shouldn't be harsh on you." Selly said looking up at me. "It's okay. We all have our independent moments. But you need to realize that Carter and I care about you. Don't forget Danny. We never want to see you get hurt ever. You're so special to us, since you are the littlest. We have to take care of you." I said messing up her hair a little bit.

"Ok Mr.Zimmer. I understand and I'll be careful." Selly said. "Alrighty Miss Rodriguez!" I say. "I'll take my pepper spray with me, if you want?" Selly said. I laughed, "You have pepper spray?" I asked. She ran upstairs and came back with pepper spray.

"You don't want to mess with me if I have this at hand." she said. "Take it with you, if you want. It's your decision." I stated. "I'll take it. It doesn't hurt to be prepared right?" she said. "Nope. Well, I have to go. Good luck on your date tomorrow Selly. If you need anything call me." I said heading towards the door. "Ok. I'll be sure to remember. Bye Paul." she said leaning against the door frame. I turned around and waved bye and walked home. It was short since I live right next door.

***** Selly's POV *****

I locked the door and ran upstairs to my room. I put the pepper spray on the night stand. I looked at the time 10:58 PM it read. Wow it's getting pretty late. I walked to my closet and grabbed a towel, sweats, and a random t-shirt.

I walked to the bathroom and showered, brushed my teeth, and went out the door. I changed into my sweats and shirt and turned off the lights. I crawled under my sheets and took off my glasses and set them down next to my phone.

I was about to fall asleep when my phone started to vibrate on the night stand. I grabbed it and saw I had a text message.

From Ben: Can't wait for our date tomorrow ;)

To Ben: Go to bed, Ben.

I set it back on the night stand and fell asleep.


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Love you guys so much!

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