Chapter 2: Sleepless night

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This next one is when Roddy accidentally joins with a few of Rita's brothers and watches a scary movie, which was even before bedtime. Will Roddy be able to get some sleep instead of bugging Rita so much when she's trying to sleep?
One night at the Malone house, getting ready for a movie with some of Rita's siblings, Roddy was getting the living room all set up when he felt someone tugging onto his pant legs as he looked down to find another little girl, standing close to him.

She had brunette hair, green eyes, and was wearing a purple shirt with a red heart, along with a blue skirt and blue hearing aids in her ears. She was even holding a stuffed alligator in her arms. She looks up at Roddy with big soulful eyes, looking a bit shy while he smiled warmly at her, kneeling down.

"Why, hello there, dearie." He said, sweetly, waving his fingers at her.

"Hi." The girl said, softly, signing with her hand, waving hello, holding her alligator tight.

"What do you got there?" Roddy asked, pointing at her alligator.

"Allygator." She said, signing to spell alligator only with a 'y' before handing her alligator over for Roddy to hold.

"Oh, thank you. Alligator, huh?" Roddy said, taking the toy alligator from the little girl before pointing it at her and to mimic the gator's growl, playfully, nudging its snout at her. "Grr!"

The little girl grew her smile and giggled, holding out her arms for Roddy to pick her up. "You want me to pick you up? Okay." He said, picking the little girl, picking her up, holding her in his arms. He brought her toy alligator up to her to pretend it's talking to her in a friendly growls voice. "Grr! I'm an alligator and I think you're so cute, I could just eat you up. Om nom nom nom nom!" He said as the alligator, making munching sounds to the little girl as she giggled. "Nah, I wouldn't eat you. I'm more of the kissing kind of gator. Even to cute little girls like you." Roddy said before making the gator pepper the little girl kisses as she giggled more, making Roddy chuckle.

"Matilda Esme, did you make a friend?" Rita asked, smiling, walking up to Roddy and the little girl, signing to her. The little girl signed "yes."

"Matilda, huh? That's cute." Roddy said.

"We call her Maudy for short."

"Maudy. Even cuter."

"It is. I named her that when she was born because it means 'mighty and loved.'" Rita said.

"It's beautiful, just like her and her big sister." Roddy said, looking at his girlfriend, making Rita blush. Maudy signed to Rita, pointing at Roddy with a huge grin on her face, which made Rita chuckle.

"Yes, he is, isn't he?"

Roddy noticed her signing. "She signs?"

"Yeah, she was born deaf." Rita said.

"Huh, that explains the hearing aids." Roddy said.

"She just got them. She's getting better at hearing her surroundings, but she's still learning to use her voice, though. So she only says a few words that are easy for her. Apparently 'alligator' was her first one and it's her favorite to sign, too, isn't it, Maudy?" Rita said, using her hands and fingers, clapping them together to make it look like an alligator snapping, making Maudy giggles, mimicking her sister's hands.

"Nom nom nom nom!" She went.

Rita chuckled. "Yes, the alligator goes 'nom nom nom!'"

Maudy giggled before pointing back at Roddy, signing the same thing she signed to Rita, which made Rita chuckle, nodding. "Yes, he is, sweetie."

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