Chapter 1: A dream?

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"Go to sleep now, y/n! It's late." Mum shouted from the bottom of the staircase.
Ugh. Tomorrow's Monday and I haven't started my homework. The cause of this was of course my serious obsession over anime *cough* hetalia *cough* but I knew I had to get it done. That or my parents murder me for getting low grades in subjects.
"Oh, remember me and your father will be away on business for a month tomorrow! Aunt Jenny will be coming here to look after you!" Mum added.
Aunt Jenny was dad's younger sister but she wasn't really enthusiastic about children. The last time she took care of me she forgot to buy cereal and bread. I went without breakfast and sometimes lunch for a month, I can't believe they are still trusting her to take care of me.


I almost completed the history assessment due in for tomorrow. My eyes feel heavy. I just needed an evaluation of the question and extend the answer. I want to close my eyes. I need to justify my reason. I'll take a quick nap, nothing more until I've finished the assignment...


I blinked lightly due to the brightness of the Sun. The Sun? I shot up and looked around me. I seemed to be sitting in the middle of a field of some sort, or a meadow. A girl was visible in the distance, around my age, she was picking flowers. I'll ask her. I thought as I stood up and approached her. As I got closer I could see she wore a red neck scarf, a black and white striped shirt, beige shorts with braces and black and white oxfords. The girl also had dark brown hair tied into a high ponytail with bangs. "Um, sorry to disturb you but do you know where I am?"
The girl looked up revealing large indigo France's eyes but bigger and girly(er).
"In France silly!" She smiled, a French accent strong as she spoke.
A shockwave hit me mentally. What was I doing in France and, most importantly, why did this girl look like anime? Unless...I must be dreaming. It would be the only logical explanation even though it felt so real, but...everyone has those dreams, right? "Okay..? So, who are you?" I asked.
"My name is Céleste Bonnefoy but you can call me Paris." Paris replied standing up. "And you?"
"I'm y/n but you can call me y/n."
Paris laughed. "You're funny! Hey, you should come and meet the Allies!"
I must be dreaming about Hetalia. "S-sure."
Paris lead me through a woodland area then out into a small town. We finally came to café where I saw France, England, China, Russia, Canada and America. We walked over and Paris introduced me to the Allies. "This is y/n. Y/n This is  France, England, America, Russia and Canada." She blushed slightly when she mentioned Canada though I thought nothing of it, it could have been a natural tint that I hadn't noticed until now.
"Bonjour madmoiselle." France smiled and winked.
"Hello, pleased to make your acquaintance y/n." England said as he sipped his tea.
"Hi..." Canada smiled.
"Hello! Would you like to buy something aru~?" China offered.
"N-no thanks."
"Привет" Russia cooed.
"Heya!" America greeted.
I blushed at America's presence, he was my favourite of the Allies and all the character's.
Paris sat between France and Canada; the only seat left was next to America. Lucky me. I smiled slightly. I sat down, the seat was cold. Why was it cold? In dreams you don't normally feel hot or cold so why could I feel it now?
Oh well, surely it's a can only be a dream. I assured myself.
The bunch of us sat awkwardly in silence and to be honest, this isn't really the most active dream I've had. England cleared his throat. "I-I think we should tell her." He said nervously while looking down at the table.
"Huh?" I looked at everyone who was looking right back at me, quite guilty looking.
Suddenly, a girl walked over to the table. Her appearance was quite similar to Greece's although her eyes were slightly bigger and her hair was in a high ponytail like Paris, but it was shorter. The girl's facial expression was the same as Greece's and she held a white cat that was only visible on her t-shirt which was a dark green colour; it was difficult to notice the cat's arms as her sleeves were white. "I couldn't find her, sorry England..." She looked really disappointed with herself and blushed in what I was assuming in embarrassment.
England smiled at her and looked over at me. "It's okay, Athens. Paris already found her."
The girl called Athens looked over to me though her expression never changed, she only blinked. "Oh, okay." She finally said before she walked over to Paris where she stood behind.
Athens. That explains why she looks like Greece.
"So what's going on?" I folded my arms.
"Uh...well." France began.
"I guess you could..." America rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"Blame England!" China shouted.
After that, all hell broke loose.
"I'm sorry, okay? Anyway it's not entirely my fault, Paris gave me the book!" England protested.
"Hey! Don't blame Paris! You're the one who chose that specific spell!" France defended.
"I can fend for myself!" Paris frowned.
"No you can't..." America mumbled.
"Tu es bêta Amerique!" Paris yelled.
Canada slumped down in his chair, burying his face in Mr.Kumajiro's fur. Everyone was arguing over who caused whatever they caused and I had a feeling it had something to do with me. "Enough!" I screamed.
Everyone stopped and turned their attention to me once again. "Can you just tell me what's going on without arguing?"
England sighed and a little sweat drop was noticeable at the side of his face. "Alright, we're sorry though it's kind of difficult to explain..."
"No it's not!" America interrupted causing everyone to glare into his soul.
"Well...long story short I accidently opened a portal that brought you here. The portal closed and France burned the book." I looked over at France who was smiled awkwardly.
" do I get back?"
"You can't..." Canada mumbled, he was sitting up now.
My heart skipped a few beats but not because I was happy. "What?!"

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