Chapter 2: Okay, not a dream.

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"Look, we'll find something to get you back home y/n. We - No - I am so sorry for bringing you here. Please just bare with us for a while okay?" England looked at me apologetically. He seemed really sincere...
"Okay...My parents will be away anyway and my aunt is really careless so I guess you have a month." I smiled causing everyone's faces to light up.
I felt somewhat comfortable in this 'new' world and was feeling excited about times to come, especially with my favourite characters. For some reason I never really felt weird about the fact this world really existed and how I was drawn into it, literally.
For the rest of what looked like the afternoon we all sat together at the café chatting about random things, although, most seemed to be either about me or embarrassing stories about Paris which everyone found amusing except from Paris who punched her brother in the arm constantly. At times I could see America looking at me from the corner of my eye and when he noticed me looking at him too, I guess we both seemed to blush. That's cute. I smiled to myself.

The Sun was setting and turning the sky a beautiful pink colour mixing with the blue sky as it darkened for the night; England stood. "I guess it's time to head home for the day, Athens can come back with me seeing as it might be to late to go back to Greece and all. I-It might not be safe for you." England suggested.
Athens cheeks tinted pink as she clutched her white cat closer to her chest. "Th-Thank you..." She said in an almost whisper.
"I think y/n should stay with me, y'know, because she'll be way safer with me." America suggested proudly.
"Why's that?" Paris asked.
France face palmed. "Why did you ask..." He mumbled under his breath.
"Because I'm the hero!" America declared. There was silence. *cue awkward cricket noise* "Let's go! C'Mon y/n and Canada!"
I waved goodbye to the rest of the Allies as we walked further away from them. America lead us through the woodland area once again and into an open space where a small plane (it was a plane that they would have used in WW2, a fighter jet I think?) sat in the middle of the large field. It was dark green with the American flag painted largely on the tail and a little Canadian flag on the wing. Canada got in first by climbing onto the wing and into his seat which was at the back of the three seats that had their own separate booth/spaces in a row. America climbed onto the wing then turned back to me and crouched at the edge, reaching out. "Grab my hand, I'll help you up."
For the first time I seriously saw America as a hero. I know I said he was my favourite but I thought he was always acting really stupid and I found it funny but right now I looked at him as a hero, even if he is just offering to help me onto the plane; I smiled and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly as he pulled me up. Once my feet were touching the surface of the wing I realised I was standing so close to America...and I was still holding his hand. I felt small standing with him though it was comforting in a way; It made me feel somewhat joyous inside.
As if the world wanted to set the scene the wind began to blow gently making his hair swish a little, making him look more attractive. America looked down at me with a somewhat dumbfounded or maybe starstruck expression and his cheeks were tinted pink. "Uh, guys? I think we should get going now." Canada mumbled.
America blinked multiple times and turned around almost knocking me over. "Y-yeah, let's go!"
I laughed awkwardly as I sat in my seat and buckled myself in; America started up the plane and we began to move.
A while had passed and we flew in darkness through the fresh, open air. I was still feeling upset that the moment didn't last any longer although I think that moment isn't the last. Just then, I felt a tap on my right shoulder, it was Canada. He said something but I couldn't hear him over the propeller, so, Mr.Kumajiro told me what Canada was trying to say instead. "I'm sorry, he said."
I nodded and told him "It's okay." before turning to face forward once again.
We finally landed outside of America's house which was quite large. From there Canada decided to make his way home by himself (with Mr.Kumajiro of course) which neither of us objected to.
Inside was quite normal looking, probably because I recognised the corridor from that episode which America was walking through to get some cleaning done. We walked into the living room which was surprisingly simple. The floorboards were a dark oak colour and the rug that lay flat on top was a strong red. I noticed glass coffee table sat in the middle with two cream sofa's on each side; A chandelier hung from the ceiling providing light to the room. "Have a seat."
I sat on the left side of one of the cream coloured sofa's which was nice and comfortable; America placed two mugs of hot chocolate on the table. I raised an eyebrow and pointed at them. "How did you make those so quickly?"
"You were too busy admiring my living room that you never noticed me go and make some hot chocolate." America grinned before taking a sip of his drink.
Shrugging, I took my mug from the table at sipped it too. It was obvious our sips were loud as they were the only thing you could hear in the room.
America took one last gulp before placing his empty mug onto the coffee table then leaning back letting out a large sigh in the process. "So..."
I looked up from my mug of hot chocolate which I was still drinking, America sat in a position where his arms were spread out and resting on the top of the couch and his right leg crossed over his left leg. "Anything you wanna talk about?" I asked.
"I dunno." He replied.
Helpful. I said mentally though I did roll my eyes. "You and Canada are pretty close."
"I guess you could say that, I mean, we are brothers," America shrugged. "I can tell he hasn't got the widest range of friends but I guess it's better than none."
I forgot about America's softer, calmer side. It surprised me. "Yeah, I never had the widest range of friends either but, y'know, I guess that's life."
"Who raised you?" America asked.
I furrowed my eyebrows and laughed a little. "That was...random, but if you must know; my parents."
America laughed awkwardly. "I was raised by Britain..."
As America trailed off silence filled the room making the whole situation way more awkward and weird. I cleared my throat and tried to start another conversation. "So who's this Athens girl?"
"She's Greece's little sister. It's kinda weird how we know her since Greece is friends with Japan and Japan is part of the axis..." America replied.
"Aren't you friends with Japan?"
"Oh yeah."
Okay, at first I started to snigger which then led to full on laughter. I wasn't sure how America forgetting Japan was his friend was funny but it was apparently funny enough to make me laugh this hard. After a few minutes America joined in to my laughing fit and we were both collapsing on the sofas, dying of laughter. I clutched my stomach as tears formed in my eyes before rolling down my cheeks; some hit the red rug beneath me and some salty tears dropped into my mouth.
A few moments passed and soon enough our laughter had diminished. Both of us panted while wiping the wetness from our eyes and letting out little giggles every now and then. "Wow. I never knew two words would make me laugh so hard." I recalled the sound of my laugh. "Oh gosh, I sound like a broken hyena when I laugh."
"Nah, I think your laugh is cute."
I felt my cheeks heat up. "Th-Thanks."
Another long silence filled the room but this time I wasn't going to start a conversation. This time I was going to wait, though I wasn't sure what I was waiting for. "I think we should head to bed now, it's late." America said standing up.
I (for some reason) blushed. "Wh-what?!"
America then gave me a weird look. "What? Don't you want to see where your sleeping?"
I felt my blush deepen. "I-I guess..."
"Okay..? Follow me."
America lead me out of the living room and down the hallway, then up the staircase. At the top there were few rooms, five to be exact. The upper floor was rounded for some reason though it looked very nice. "Here," He walked over to the door between the one on the far right and middle. "Open it."
I shakily opened the door, half hoping it wasn't going to be America's room. I breathed a sigh of relief, it was a plain, normal room. "Why do you look so relieved? I'm not really a messy person y'know, that's not how the hero lives." He said proudly.
"N-n-no reason. I just thought the roombwould be, u-uh, maybe a little over done...I guess." I replied, clearly nervous although America didn't seem to notice.
"Alright? Go get some sleep, I bet your tired from all this stuff that's happened today...that and maybe my heroicness is too much to handle for one day." America yawned.
"Goodnight y/n..." He smiled as he walked away. "Oh right, my door is right next to yours if you need me."
"Goodnight, Alfred." I whispered. The footsteps stopped for a moment. "Not many people call me that...well, not that often any way..." They resumed.

That night I lay curled up under my surprisingly comfortable blanket. I faced the window which curtains were drawn back letting the moonlight shine through the glass panes. I thought about my parents, praying they would be safe in their travels. Then there's my careless auntie who is dare-I-say a massive prick, she's way immature and in all honesty, I find it difficult to understand why mum still lets her care for me. It thought of my friends next. They won't see me's likely my aunt will call the school and tell them that I'll be sick for the whole month without even going to check my room to see if I'm okay.
The final person I thought about was America. He was being really kind to me and took me in immediately, they all did. All of them accepted me straight away which can be kinda bad if they do that all the time because for all they know, I could've been a murderer. Still, they welcomed me with open arms and that's what made me smile. I think I'll be comfortable in this new world...

I'm (Not) your Hero! (America x Reader x 2p!America)Where stories live. Discover now