Chapter 4: Falling in love?

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I had already been here for two weeks and everything has run smoothly. My relationship with the countries (and cities :3) had strengthened and I had learned a lot. I had learned that Britain's cooking is not that bad...only if Athens helps him. Also, Paris has a *secret* crush on Matthew and kinda vice versa (even though Matthew was raised by France, Paris explained in a massive presentation how they wouldn't be related therefore, no incest.). I learned that Athens was actually older than Greece and used to be pretty badass which shocked me completely.
My relationship with America was growing stronger...well that's how I felt it. We spent a lot of time together and we were very close; I hoped to be even closer. I was aware of America's feelings for me though it was difficult to tell if they were as strong as mine. I wanted him to feel the same way, he was always so kind and caring. Alfie never let me down with anything he did.
I sighed and sat up, now sitting in an upright position on my bed. The duvet had the American flag printed on it, as did the pillows; I stroked the soft fabric. I was already half way through the month *of January* which meant I only had a matter of time to spend with America or technically until they find the book. That worried me even more because I knew how hard the others were looking to find the very spellbook or at least one that contains the spell to open the portal back home. It could happen any day...I could picture the scenario if it were to happen right now...

Suddenly, Britain, Paris, France and America burst into the room. "(Y/n)! We found it!" Britain exclaimed.
"Now you can go back home!" Paris grinned.
"Back to family and friends!" France added.
I looked over to America who looked down at the floor with a sad expression plastered on his face. "Don't go, (y/n)...I need you here with me."
"Baka! You're always thinking about yourself and no one else! (Y/n) wants to go home and would prefer the headaches of going through a portal than being stuck here and spend another minute with you!"
America looked on the verge of tears. I never saw him cry - well- only once when Matthew made him cry but still. "I-is that how it was for you the whole time, (y/n)?"
"N-no!" I exclaimed. I could hear America chanting the spell in the background.
"It is, isn't it..."
"No! That's not true!"
"No I'm not, Alfie!" I cried as I got sucked into the portal...

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Wake up, (y/n)!" A voice yelled.
I felt my body being rocked back and forth as I continued to be sucked back into this portal; suddenly I woke up. "H-huh?" I sniffed. It was only a nightmare.
"Hey, are you okay? You were crying in your sleep." Alfred raised a concerned eyebrow.
I shook my head. "It was horrible..."
"What was? What was your dream about?"
I wanted to tell him but at the same time I didn't. I couldn't because it was about him, technically. I faked a laugh. "Nothing to worry about..."

= Alfred's POV =
I wasn't convinced. Clearly, it wasn't 'nothing' since she looked scared and was crying in her sleep. "Were you dreaming about France or something?"
The (y/h/c) haired girl giggled which not only made her smile but myself at the same time. "No, though that would probably be equivalently terrifying."
The both of us laughed and for some reason I felt my heart rate increase. Once again, I was feeling nervous around her...I found it difficult stare at her without blushing and to look away. Her (y/e/c) eyes sparkled with the water that began to form in her squinted eyes as she laughed, her smile was too beautiful for words...was I in love?
(Y/n) stopped laughing and looked at me in a confused expression. "Alfie? You okay?" She asked sweetly.
I blinked multiple times and felt my blush deepen. "O-oh right...uh..."
I trailed off as we stared at each other intently; as I looked into her sparkling eyes I felt a connection. (Y/n)'s hair slowly slipped across her, covering her beautiful face...

= Reader-Chan's POV =
Alfred leaned forward with his arm outstretched, his hand touched my skin sending shivers throughout my whole body. After moving my hair out of my face he tucked it behind my ear, keeping his hand resting on the back of my head. I was blushing like crazy, I know I was...
Alfred began to lean closer to my face, closer to my lips. My eyes widened and I was stiff, unsure on what to do next. Alfred closed his eyes slowly and at the same time I felt his warm, steady breathing on my skin causing my cheeks to tingle. Alfred's lips touched mine which shocked me immensely though excitement, happiness and a feeling of relief soon overcame this immense feeling of shock.
I couldn't help but smile into the kiss; To be honest, I guess i was waiting for this moment, even though Alfred and I have only known each other for two weeks.
Using his other hand, Alfred cupped my cheek as well as holding onto the back of my head. I had no idea what to do with my hands so I kept them on the bed...and to myself.
Alfred had pulled away which kind of disappointed me - okay - it disappointed me a lot but I guess I could handle it. "Uh -sorry about that. Um..." Alfie mumbled while turning bright red.
"It's alright Alfie, I'm actually happy you did that." I smiled physically but don't want to know what's happening in my head right now.
Alfred's smile grew. "I guess that's my way of telling you I like you...a lot..."
"I-I r-really like you too..." I stuttered nervously.
I had never confessed my love for someone before until now and you know what? It's the best feeling ever.
"Goodnight, (y/n)," Alfred stood in the doorway which was the only source of light, well, letting inthelight from the hallway. "I - uh - I love you."
"I l-love you too." I replied while mentally facepalming. This is gonna take some getting used to...I thought as I shut my eyes simultaneously with the door closing.
I felt somewhat uncomfortable as if someone was watching me...
Just as I began to drift away into dream land a felt a sudden cloth shoved in front of my mouth. No no no no no! Don't breath in!
I couldn't hold my breath any longer, struggling to move tired me out quicker and I had no choice but to breath in lung fulls of air and whatever that drug was.
Alfred's smiling face was my last thought before I went unconscious...

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