Chapter 9: Allen

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I breathed in. "I choose Allen!"
Allen looked at me in shock for a moment which then turned into a big, goofy grin. I looked to Alfred who was clearly heartbroken.
"B-but (y/n)..." Alfred mumbled, weak at first. "You're better than this!"
"Alfred, people change." I said plainly.
"I don't want you to change!" Alfred yelled.
"Well not everyone can do things to your liking, Alfred! You shouldn't have come here, please leave." I pointed at the broken building though I knew I had to get used to the drearyness of the place if I wanted to stay with the one I loved.
Alfred stared for a second, his blue eyes glistening from what seemed like tears. "Fine, goodbye (y/n)..."
Alfred limped inside where I could just hear him go through portal as it closed up forever. "No going back now..." I whispered.
"Y-you chose me?" Allen asked, still in happy shock.
I smiled and nodded while walking up to him. "Of course."
Allen grinned and picked me up then spinning me around. "You're the only one for me, (y/n)." Allen whispered gently into my ear causing me to blush bright red.
"Yo, love birds." A female voice called from the direction of the building. Claudia.
"They're gone so you can come inside." Matt added.
Allen nodded and grabbed my hand and pulled me inside with him; I couldn't help but grin.

Once inside, Allen sat on a chair, his fingers still intertwined with mine. He looked up at me, patted his lap and smirked. "Y-you want me to sit on your lap?" I blushed.
"Well, yeah." Allen shrugged.
I was frozen on the spot, I've never sat on anyone's lap other than my dad's or Santa's when I was little. I had never sat on another man's lap so I felt quite awkward about it.
Allen sighed and pulled me down, forcing me onto his lap. "I'm sorry by the way..."
I tilted my head slightly. "Why?"
He looked over to a pile of ashes where smoke wafted into the air. "Even if I did let you go back to your home you wouldn't be able to go..."
I smiled, he was becoming softer than before - well, towards me that is. "I'd rather be here, that's why I chose you after all."
I kissed the tanned boys cheek though it was still wet with rain water; As soon as I was sitting upright again, Allen pulled me into a kiss. I was surprised at first but I soon was kissing back. This is a life I could get used to...

6 months later

I walked out of the shower; I was fully dressed but had a towel on my head. It had been a few months now and Allen and I have had a stable relationship, life was good.
Unfortunately, Allen still hadn't changed his ways. He still killed people but the amount of deaths was... decreasing. I didn't care that much anymore, it was his thing.
Allen told me he had something important to tell me earlier on today but I had to take a shower so now, my mission was to track him down and find out what he wanted to say.

I eventually found him, he sat outside on the porch step staring into the distance. "Allen?"
The boy turned his head slightly, his jacket making a small ruffling noise. "Hey, (y/n)."
It was peculiar, he rarely called me by my actual name. "You wanted to tell me something earlier." I said as I approached him.
I was about to sit with him but he stood up, turned and faced me. A sad look on his face. "Yeah..."
I began to worry. "A-Allen... what's wrong?"
He looked away. "I think we shouldn't be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore..."
I felt like my whole life had been shattered. He's breaking up with me... I thought. Anger and sadness was building up as tears streamed down my face. "N-no..." I whispered, a salty tear dropping onto my tongue.
Allen looked at me and got down on one knee..?
"I think we should be husband and wife." The boy smirked and pulled out a shiny, silver ring; A red ruby sat on top and glistened.
I gasped and smiled, my tears now for happiness. "Absolutely yes!"
Allen jumped up and pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you so much, babe."
"I love you, too." I whispered.

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