Derran and Darren

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I'm Derran, my twin brother, Darren, and I are the princes of Valeria, a kingdom near the sea with many forests. Because of all our resources, we have many enemies; Such as king Asura from the Kingdom of Celes or King Sion from the kingdom of Ente Isla. In our couintry, twins are consideres bad luck, or the work of the devil. If anyone ever had twins, they were to kill the smaller of the two. My father, King Yuwara, didn't want to kill his own son. Instead, he hid one of us while the other was in public. Then we would switch places. He was very fair about it, he never favoured one of us over the other, but instead loved and cared for us equally. My brother and I never had any hard feelings toward him. We both knew he was trying to be a good father. But he also had a reputation, and of course, a Kingdom too look after. The only problem was that since I'm the older twin, I'm the heir to the throne. However, it's my brother that wants it. Personally, I've never been interesteed in ruling the Kingdom, too much effort wasted if you ask me. But my father wouldn't hear of it. He would always ay that it's tradition that the eldest son should take the throne. We've argued about it saying that since we're twins, it doesn't matter who toke the throne. After all, he had already broken tradition when he didn't kill one of us at birth. The reply would always be the same; unless we waned him to kill one of us, we wouldn't break another tradition. But it didn't matter. We would bicker until finally, my mother would come to stop us. For years that's how it went.

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