Chapter 5

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Ben's P.O.V

I turned off the news as they showed that the girl I stabbed was alive and looked at Jeff, worried. Great, how come Jeff HAS to be here with me at this time, while everybody was off hunting. Jeff stared at me silently, maybe thinking if he should kill me or tell the others and watch me suffer. Before he could do anything about it, I ran. I ran up the stairs as he charged at me with his knife. I closed the door and jumped out my window, but then Jeff grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me inside. He placed the knife on my neck, pressing it slightly. Fuck.

"Ben, what the HELL did I just hear on the news?!" He yelled looking strait into my eyes,

"I-I," I stuttered,


I took a deep breath, then answered slowly, "I couldn't. I just couldn't do it Jeff. Yes I stabbed her. Yes I put her into a coma. But for some reason, I couldn't kill her..."

He squinted, "Are you feeling ok?! Ben, this isn't you! She's just another useless human!" He yelled, stabbing the wall beside my head, barely missing it. I just looked away. He started tightening his grip and sighed, "Ben, I like you. Your my bro, but your going to fix this mess before they come home ok? Or I'm gunna have to report you to Slender." He said calmly, letting go of my shirt and walking away. Before leaving my room, he turned to face me, "Or maybe I'll deal with it myself." He said in a deep tone and walked off.

"What's happening to me." I said to myself as I plopped onto my bed, thinking about Jewel. I have already warned her early, I just knew someone would find out fast. Why did I have to be right. Now she's in danger because of me. And slendy might let me chose between her life and my own. What am I going to do...

Jewel's P.O.V

I woke up early again for some reason. Doctor Marshall wanted to check my blood pressure. He said its stabilizing and I could leave tomorrow if I wanted. YES, I thought to myself, finally. I was starting to get cooped up in here. This was going as my daily routine, so I was pretty used to it, but I can't stop thinking about that note. Do I trust him? Am I really in danger? Well, I'll figure it out tomorrow, I guess...

Destiny came to visit today. Actually she visited me every day since I came to this hospital a week ago. She always updates me on anything that changed while I'm in here. It was kinda funny, she's like a worried mother I saw on a TV show once. Anyway, she brung some of my old favorite board games, Monopoly, Sorry, and UNO. She also brought over some movies. She said it was for us to celebrate me leaving tomorrow. Trust me, I'm NOT going to miss this place one bit.

It got boring pretty fast. At least until Destiny and I decided to explore the hospital. Whatever. Something to do I guess instead of the movies and board games.

We went though the hospital, looking at the rooms, waving to patients and doctors passing. We even played with the elevator before an angry nurse drove us out. After looking through the top floor, Destiny got bored. Before we could make it back to my room, she stopped.

"Hey Jewel, we should like go in there!" She said pointing toward a door, labeled 'Basement' in bold letters.

"WHAT?! No, I don't think that's a good idea..." I said,

"Oh, come on! We'll just walk in and out. Nobody will catch us. Besides, it's better than going back to that room. There might be some cool stuff in there!" She whined,

"Uh, fine. But if we get caught, you better say its your fault!" I huffed,

"Ok! Lets go!" She said as she opened the door quietly, I looked around to see if anyone was watching, nope. I followed her in and slowly made my way down the metal stairs.

Destiny closed the door. It got dark fast, but somehow she knew where the light switch was. She turned it on and it was only one light bulb, that produced a little dull amount of light. It was better than nothing. As we walked down the stairs, it looked a little creepy to me, like a classic horror film. Musty and old, like people haven't been down here in a while. We were down the flight of stairs. Huh, bunch of boxes and medical equipment, a lot of space for a hospital basement.

As we went further into the room, I got that strange feeling again like I was being watched.

"Destiny, I don't feel like we're wanted down here..." I managed to say,

"Oh boo, your not bailing on me, are you?" She said turning to face me,


"Come on Jewel, again like I said, poke your head out of that protective bubble barrier you put around yourself, for me please!" She said making a puppy dog face,

I sighed, "Fine, but only for yo-" I was cut off by Destiny's stare. N o longer making that face, the color drained out of her and she looked pale. "Destiny?" I said startled, but curious. She wasn't making eye contact with me. I turned slowly to face whatever is spooking her.

Under the dim light, was that guy. The one that I saw when I was in the shower. He was twirling a long knife in his hands. With that ghost white skin, he was practically glowing. His cut in smile, those eyes. I started to step back.

"Hey, Jewel." He said, cocking his head a little, "and who is this?" He had those eyes locked on Destiny, who is frozen in fear at the moment.

"None of your business freak." I said, What am I doing? Trying to get my myself killed?! Backing away slowly, grabbing Destiny by the arm and forcing her back too.

His smile grew wider, "What? I'm not a freak. I'm beautiful! My family didn't think so. They didn't like the new me." He said, his eyes were dilated, staring my friend down, stepping forward, and griping the knife.

"No, stay away!" I yelled, pulling Destiny behind me, backing into a corner. Great. "FUCK!" I yelled

I herd laughing. Was he laughing? Is he enjoying this?! I turned to face him. Yes. Of course he has to be the creepy one.

Whimpering was coming beside me, Destiny. I guess she snapped back to reality and kept a gaze at the stranger.

"I'm sorry." She managed to say.

Frantically looking around, I spotted a window. Too small for Destiny, but for my size. If I could squeeze, I could make it. Why do I have to be the one thats a little small for her age. Should I leave her? And save myself? No, then She'll die in this basement. I looked at her then faced the guy.

"No, I'm sorry." I said,

Before she could complain, I took the killer by surprise, and tackled him. He landed hard on the floor. Dropping his knife, I pinned him down.

"RUN!" I yelled at Destiny, she did.

He pushed me off with little to no effort at all. For a scrawny guy, he's pretty strong. He reached for Destiny's foot. Grabbed it and yanked her back down. Her head hit one of the stairs pretty hard and she stopped moving all together.

"Destiny!" I cried as I picked up the knife and dug it strait into his shoulder blade. He yelled in pain, then looked at me. A crazed look was on his face, I backed up.

"It's only you and me, you little fuck! Nobody messes with me. I am your nightmare!" He yelled pulling the knife, from his shoulder. It was dripping with blood, he didn't even flinch. He ran towards me with the knife raised and tackled me to hard ground. I cried in pain, my back stitches, they hurt. I could feel them ripping.

He raised the knife to my neck. Laughing insanely, he cocked his head to the side, bent down, and whispered,

"Go To Sleep"

Identity Crisis (BEN Drowned Romance)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin