Chapter 32

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Short chappy...

I'm sowey...

Jewel's P.O.V

I was shocked when Ben snapped at me. He wanted me to leave Masky behind and run for my safety, but I didn't. I got so angry, my mind went blank. When it returned, Ben looked at me with so much anger and hurt, that it scared me. Don't get me wrong, I was so happy he finally remembered me. That we could be together again. But of corse he had to ruin it with his ignorance and rejection for Masky, just because of his little crush on me. Ben has every reason to be protective when I hang out with Masky, but he at least can care about him and help him out when he's bleeding to death with his entrails out!

Jeff rushed over and grabbed Masky's legs, helping me carry him into the house. We dragged him into the kitchen and laid him on the floor. I glanced down at my claws. They were tainted with so much blood. I whimpered and tried to wipe it off with my shirt, but it only smeared. I felt disgusted for some odd reason. I'm not usually bothered by blood, but the idea of it on me right now, made me shiver. I sensed someone behind me, but didn't turn around. My hands shook for some reason. They wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me close, I knew it was Ben. I don't wanna talk to him right now.

"Jewel... I'm sorry." Ben whispered in my ear, I felt his warm breath on my neck. I turned my head the other way and looked down. "Please don't ignore me..." his voice quivered, making me tense up. I kept my head down and didn't say a word. I was pissed beyond compared and he suspects me to forgive him just like that?! I herd him sigh and let go. I turned around before he disappeared, floating upstairs.

"How many did we lose?" Hoody asked, I turned my attintion to the group, there was a long pause,

Slender sighed, "Only two... But it's still a loss..." Slender slouched on the couch, turning a grayish color, with his white skin. "J-Jack a-nd Smile..."

Gasps echoed around the room, including me. Remembering that Ben literally combusted Jack into ashes with his inferno... I teared up, seeing his shocked yet expressionless face get burned to death in front of me. Did Ben feel any emotion while doing that? My heart twisted into its near breaking point. I don't trust him anymore. He's not my Ben. He killed his friend, my friend. Jack is dead because of him...

"DARK LINK FUCKING KILLED MY DOG!" Jeff raged, punching a whole in the wall,

"Calm down child. We were lucky enough to survive Zaglo's attack. Those were his top ranking squad we took down. Hopefully he'll get tired of Ben and search for another pasta to replace him." Slender said, still facing the floor,

"W-What do we do about Ben?" Toby asked, helping Clock up, "Can't we just kick him out? He killed one of us!"

"Yeah, He killed Jacky... But I don't want Ben kicked out!" Sally whined, clinging onto me,

I hugged her close and shushed her, "Sally, Ben will stay here. No matter how pissed I am. I won't let them."

Slender stood up, "No, Jack was dead before Ben even cased his shield around us. Nina used her poison dipped knives, stabbing him and making Jack die instantly." Slender tried to explain, Toby opened his mouth to say something, "We are NOT kicking Ben out, we are fighting to keep him here. Also, Ben WILL NOT be blamed for Jacks death! Am I making myself clear?" Slender yelled in anger at Toby, he flenched and nodded slowly, looking down, "Switchblade. I'm in need of your assistance." He said flatly,

I squeezed Sally and let go, following Slender down stairs into a little clinic. Slender had a limp Masky in one of his tendrils. We walked into a white room with blue and white checkered floor. I turned a switch on the wall, making the lights flicker brightly on. Slender gently laid Masky on the table. He gave me his best blank face and I suspected he wanted me to fix Masky's wound. I quickly glanced around the room and found some needle and thread in a little drawer, under the white, wooden, cupboard. I carefully took off his bloodied, orange sweatshirt and rearranged his organs as best as I could and started to sew. I steadily paced myself, singing in my head, trying to ignore the fact he's bleeding a lot, while swerving the thread quickly and neatly. I knew Masky wouldn't complain to me about my stitching, but with his OCD disorder, his mind would be having a seizure.

I pulled on the string, closing the wound and bit it, making it snap. Then carefully tied it into place. I glanced at the bandages on the metal table and started to wrap him up. After I finally finished, I stepped back to admire my handy work. Might've been the best thing I've done. I looked at Masky's mask. It had a lot of blood on it. I hesitantly reached for his mask. I've never actually seen his real face before, and my curiosity bellowed to see it. As I slowly attempted a glance by lifting his mask up, like a trigger reaction, Masky's eyes quickly opened and grabbed his mask back down. "N-Noo!" He yelled, propping his elbows up on the table. He looked very paler than usual, probably from the blood loss...

He looked at me in fear, "I-I was going to clean your mask..." I said smiling innocently. Masky tried to move, sitting up, but he yelped in pain and looked at me again, "Please calm down Masky!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped away, quickly looking behind me. Slender was still staring at me expressionless. He nodded,

"Good job Switchblade. Possibly even better than Miss P." He said in his dark, scratchy tone, "Would you like to be the aid of the household?" My eyes widened as I jumped for joy,

"Wow, I'd love to! Wait... I only had practice with animals though. Is that ok?" I asked looking up at Slender,

He bent down and chuckled, "Of course it is child, but practice makes perfect." I hugged him, "Thank you sir!"

"You deserve to have this title." Slender said teleporting away, leaving Masky and I down in the clinic.

I turned to Masky and smiled. Masky quickly looked away and I noticed he was blushing under his cracked, white mask. I walked to him and hugged him. I'm glad he was ok, he's a great friend. He flinched at my touch and I pulled back, remembering his newly stitched insides. I giggled and looked down as his stitches. They were bleeding again. I grabbed a cloth and turned on the faucet, wetting it. Then I dabbed his wound with it. He gripped the table and I looked up. "Sorry Switchy...." Masky said in his quite and shy voice, I looked at him confused,

"Masky, what do you mea-" I was quickly cut off by Masky lifting his mask up and crashing his lips onto mine. I was shocked and my mind went into a mess of confusion. His lips were surprisingly soft.... What? No brain! What the HELL Masky? He kissed me, tightening his grip on me but I didn't kiss back. It felt wrong to me. I tried to pull away, but Masky trapped me in his iron grip. He finally pulled away, leaving me dazed and extremely confused about him. I slowly looked up at him and of course he was staring at me with his baby blue eyes. Do I l-like Masky...? He's a great guy and all, but I don't think I'll like him more as a friend or not...

"M-Masky..." I finally spoke,

He quickly lift down his mask and staggered off the metal table. His stitches slightly ripped and the blood was staining through the bandages. He groaned slightly, holding his stomach and raced upstairs, "I-I'm so s-sorry Switch!" He stuttered closing the door, leaving me alone.

First Ben comes back. Then Jack's death. Finally Masky kissing me. My world is literally crumbling down on top of me. The rush of different feelings and moments are getting too stressful. Ever since I've moved into this hell house, I knew it wasn't going to end well. How would I've expected it to end? Friending killers and becoming something I'd never even thought once was possible. Destiny was right, this was a big mistake, but this is my life now.

I glanced at the stairs, was it moving? Something felt off, I felt off. My vision suddenly blurred as the room spun around me. A sharp pain shot up through my chest and stopped my air flow. I panicked and tried for the staircase, but I slammed into one of the corners where the table was. I glanced down at my now bleeding stomach, staining my clothes with red. My lungs were gasping for air, I couldn't take it in. My legs gave in and I collapsed onto the tiled floor, gripping my throat, trying to scream. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't breath. All I could do was hope someone would find me before it was too late. I slowly let the darkness surround me as I blacked out.

Identity Crisis (BEN Drowned Romance)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя