Chapter 14

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I literally slapped myself after seeing this! I love you so much!!!!

Keep swaggin on :D ~Siddot

Ben's P.O.V

"No..." I whispered, gazing at her lifeless body. Blood was everywhere and her stomach was cut open with her insides showing. I brushed her cheek with my hand, cradling her in my arms. I looked at her terrified as I thought to myself aloud, "T-This is my fault. I should've just left her house. Not saying a thing," I could feel the blood coming from my eyes, "I shouldn't have kissed her."

I felt a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't look away from Jewel. I can't believe she's gone, she's dead. I shouldn't have rushed into things. Even now, she looks as beautiful as ever.

"Ben." Jeff said, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what." I said quietly,

He hesitated then, "It wasn't your fault." He began, "My blood lust, chased her out of the house. If it wasn't for me, she'd still be alive."

I thought, pure rage filled me. He was right, it wasn't my fault. Then it lowered,

"No, it was mine. I shouldn't have trusted you Jeff. She would've been better alone then with you." I said looking at him with hatred,

"Your right. But you won't be responsible for her death Ben. It's Slender, who should be sorry." Jeff said with a hint of sorrow in his voice, "Lets go, you can bury her in the morning."

I sat her in the grass, "No." I said,

"Ben, she's gone. There's nothing you can do to bring her back to normal!" Jeff said, raising his voice,

I thought for a moment, then the craziest idea popped into my head, "Back to normal? No. Restore life to her? Yes." I said, picking her up bridal style and started to head to the house.

"W-What?! Are you crazy?! What are you gunna do to her?!" Jeff asked running after me,

"Jeff, do you know how I died?" I asked, still walking to the house,

"Yeah, it's in your name, Ben Drowned. Why?" He said confused,

"Well, do you know about Majora's Mask?" I said,

"Wait, you mean that creepy looking mask you keep under your bed?" He said worried,

"Yes, it brung me back to life. Maybe it will to her." I said,

"Dude, that's from a video game, I don't know anything about that one! You won't let me play it!" He complained,

"It's for your own safety. If you play it, you'll get sucked into the game and the only way out of it is to die." I tried to explain to him,

"Ok, are you positive?" He said looking at Jewel,

"Yes. The only thing that I'm worried about, is the changes." I said,

"Changes? What do you mean?" He said,

"Jeff. I got that mask out of a video game. It could change anything about her. Her appearance, personally, hell she could become a entirely different person!" I said, started to get worried even thinking about it. But I can't live without her, I can't think living in this hell bound place without her. I love this human. And she loved me. I got her in this mess and I'll fix it. Even though its a drastic measure to take.

As we arrived at the house, I burst into the house, and ran into the kitchen. Masky and Hoody was at the table. Masky was eating cheese cake, as usual, and Hoodie was doing some dishes.

"Hey Ben, wanna-" He noticed The corpse in my arms. Jeff went over and cleared the table for me to put Jewel down. Maskys cheesecake went crashing to the floor, "What the hell man! Why'd you do that?! And why did Ben bring a body here?!" Masky yelled,

"No time to explain," I rushed up stairs into my room. I reached under my bed and pulled out a old cardboard box. I blew on it and opened it to find, a dull, rainbow colored mask, with realistic, creepy wide eyes. With spikes on the sides going all around it, and a spell carved into it on the inside. I grabbed it and ran back down stairs. To be face to face with the man himself. Slenderman.

I stopped in my tracks, "What the HELL is he doing here?!" I yelled in frustration, pointing to him,

That wide jagged mouth appeared on his blank, white face, "I live here Ben, it's not your saying to bring this here. Do you even know what this, 'love' is?" Referring to Jewel's corpse.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS, YOU HEARTLESS FUCK!" I accidentally burst out in anger,

"Child. I do know what love is, but not for a human soul. If you put that mask on her, she won't be 'normal' ever again. She'll become one of us. Do you really think this is what she would want?" He said,

"Well..." I started, walking to the table, and looking at her,

"Do you know the consequences of this?" He asked, "You are part of Zalgo's army. I can't protect you from him."

"Yeah. I mean, yes." I said,

"Good, now I put her organs back inside. Place that mask on her and see what happens." He said walking out of the room,

"What what what?" Jeff asked,

I shrugged and picked up Jewel. I stumbled upstairs and laid her I laid in my bed, putting the mask on her. Nothing happened.

"Is it working?" Jeff asked,

"I-" Just then a bright flash came from the mask. I covered my eyes, but it ended quickly. I toke her wrist, is there a pulse? I looked at Jeff,

"It's gunna take a while, but it will work." I turned to Jewel, hopping she'll be ok,

"Slender has a heart," Trendy said, behind me, I turned around to meet her warm smile,"He just has a hard time expressing it, literally. I guess he feels bad for killing your girlfriend."

Girlfriend? Is she? "Slender's confusing... " I said, still thinking about what she said,

"Sometimes I think he's bipolar." Masky said, "But not as bad as Zalgo..."

Just then Jack walked in, "Who wants to play some video games?" He said,

"Yeah. Come on Ben, you really need this. She'll be fine." Masky said,

I sighed, "No. I'll be back."

As I walked down stairs, I was thinking about Sally. I know she hates Jewel. Wonder how she's going to handle the news; Jewel is moving in.

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