girls night out

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"hello love" i heard an anoying vampire hybrid say. I continued eating my ceral, ignoring the evil in the room.

" so here's the spell" klaus said putting papers in front of me. I stopped eating my ceral and glanced at it. The parchment wasn't even in English . Don't know what weird chicken scratch language he just put in front of me . But one thing I do know for sure is, to do a spell you have to be able to read it.

" i can't read it"

" that's cause it's  ancient " klaus replied

" I'm a 90s baby , that's about as ancient as it gets for me"

" I'm gonna find the decipher for the spell , and when i do , I'm giving it to you."

" what am I supose to do with it" i asked

" decipher" he said leaving , then walked in elijah.

" good morning" elijah said

" what's so good about it" i said stressed out about this stupid spell.

" what's gotten into you"

" klaus, klaus is what's got in , into me"

" let me guess he wants you to decipher the spell"

" yup" .

" i could have one of my witch friends help you" elijah asked

" you could"i said popping up from the postion i was in.

" all i would need to make is a call"

I got up and jumped on elijah engulfing him in a hug " thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ," i said rapidly then when I had relised what I'd done i let go.

" sorry" i said apologizing

"It's okay, no harm done"

" there you are" i heard a British accent say i looked behind  elijah and there stood rebbecca.

" i have been looking for you every where"she said  grabbing my arm and proceed to the exit of the house all while elijah was watching

" where are we going " i asked

" we're going shopping" rebbecca stated

" but i don't have any money"

" don't worry it's on the house" she replied .

Dragging me out the mikealson house and onto the streets of new orleans.

" why are we going shopping anyways" i asked Rebecca

" i was suppose to go with Hayley but she wanted to go visit her pack"

" who's hayley" i asked

" some girl , nik managed to get knocked up"

" When you say nik ,you mean klaus right" rebbecca nodded in responce

" so when you say knocked up , you mean pregnant right" i asked she nodded

" How"? I said

" don't even try and figure it out I'm still riddled myself"

" but" ?

" like i said don't try , next thing you know smoke will be coming out of your ears , from thinking to hard

We stopped at a really girly looking store. " this isn't really some where I'd shop" i said

" i guessed that by the outfit you were whereing when nik first bought you in. "

" what was wrong with it"

" nothing, if your a tom boy"

" why do you wanna go shopping with me any ways you could have just gone by yourself" i said

" my partner bailed, your always in your room all day doing who knows, I saw that you where in need of a major wardrobe change, and being the humanitarian that I am.  I weighed my chances of getting you to come with me and here we are, plus shopping's boring by yourself" . She replied

I don't know if I should feel insulted or relieved that I'm out the house, this could be my shot maybe I could get to a phone and contact Damon or Bonnie or even Tyler at this point.

" come on then" Rebecca said grabbing me by the arm, dragging me into the store

" this store looks like somebody robbed Barbie's dream house"

" who's Barbie" Rebecca asked

" never mind " I said as we walked threw racks of clothing, I could tell this was gonna be along day.


" Bonnie can you do it or not" Damon asked

" I don't know why the locator spell isn't working "

" bonnie didn't you mention something about cloaking " Jeremy said

" your right , Klaus must have her some where and is using a which to cloak there location"

" so is that It , we can't just leave her to Klaus" Tyler said

" I don't know what to do"Bonnie said

" wait, remember when Elijah had captured me-" Elena said before being cut off by bonnie

" and I sent you the message" Bonnie said

" quick get me a brush something that belongs to her and a paper and something to write with"

Demons (klaus mikealson) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now