Chapter 10 Wrapped Up

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Julia's POV

"Who's Kaitlynne?" Bea asks, as the boys tend to the cut on my foot that we just noticed was bleeding.

Luke jogs back with a large band-aid for my foot; I have no idea where he got it.

I can remember what happened to her like it was yesterday, even though it was over 4 years ago.

"She was one of my best friends back in Canada," I sniff, "she drowned when she was about 12 or so."

For a while, everyone was silent.

"I think I'll go back to the hotel," I say, quickly getting up, but Calum holds on to my wrist.

"Stay. Please. You don't have to go back in the water. I'll just hang out with you here. I wanted you to come here to have fun, not to stay in some sucky hotel room," he says. I wipe away a tear and nod in agreement.

"You mind if we go back in the ocean?" Michael asks.

"Of course, I'm not gonna keep any of you from having fun. Calum, you too. Go swim with everyone else, I'll be fine." I give them a smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

I kind of wished he would stay with me even though I said it's okay for him to go, but I smile as he races off to the sea.

I decide to turn on Instagram. They're a bunch of pictures of me in Calum's arms. There's a caption, "Almost drowned!" With my username linked to it.

Who saw that?

I turn around to find about three teenage girls giggling and staring at me.

They notice me looking at them, and immediately stop what they're doing.

"Hi!" I wave to them.

"You're Calum Hood's girlfriend!!!! Can we have a picture please?"

They're asking me for a picture? What?

"Sure, I guess," I answer, awkwardly.

They squeal and come at me with 3 phones. We take a few photos and they leave. I'm surprised that they didn't ask for the boys. Weird.

After a while of sunbathing, I pull down my sunglasses to see my bunch of friends all standing above me.

"Hello." I say, giggling.

"Want to go grab something to eat?" Ashton asks.

"Sure, why not? Can we go back to our rooms though? I gotta change." I say, looking down at my blood-soaked wrap.

"We gotta change that," Calum says pointing to my foot, "I'll carry you to the room."

"Calum, I can walk-" but before I get to finish, I am swept off my feet.

We arrive at the room, and I am sat on the bed. "What happened?" Liz asked.

Luke briefly explained, and she said, "Let's take you to the hotel doctor."

I am again swept off my feet, and taken down the hall. We enter a door with a red cross on it.

"How may I help you?" A lady with a white coat on says.

"She cut her foot." Liz says.

She clicks her tongue, and Calum sets me down on the table.

She takes the band-aid off of my foot, and cleans the area with a sterile wipe.

She places another band-aid on it, and wraps it up in a tan colored wrap.

"Good to go, and you're okay to walk on it, if it's not too painful."

We thank her, and I attempt walking. It hurts a bit, but I walk to my room anyway.

I change into clothes, with Bea doing the same.

"Hungry?" She asks me.

"Yes. Starving."

We exit the room, and the boys do the same.

"Guess who's coming to make our vacation even more enjoyable?" Luke exclaims.

"Who?" Bea and I ask.

"The one and only boys from One Direction!"

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