Chapter 16 Tours...

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Julia POV

I race through the grocery store, excited to see what the surprise was.

After buying everything that was on the list, I run home.

I drop off the groceries at my house, and skip off to Calum's.

Once I reach his house, I knock on the door and wait for an answer. I knock again to no answer. Just as I'm about to knock one more time, the door swings open to reveal someone who I didn't think would answer.

Liam Payne.

"Hi!" I chirp.

"Hello love. We came to visit the lads down here. How are you doing love?" He asks me, gesturing for me to come in.

"Good." I awkwardly reply.

He chuckles as I enter Calum's living room. All of them are here. Bea is currently sitting by Niall, Luke sitting next to her with an annoyed look on his face.

"Hello love! Nice to see your lovely face again." Harry exclaims, giving me a hug. "Nice to see you again too." I reply shyly.

"They dropped in for a surprise visit! They'll be leaving in a few hours to go though." Calum says.

I nod, "So, what are we going to do in the mean time?"

Liam shouts, "LET'S WATCH TOY STORY!"


We all chuckle as the two bicker on which movie to watch.

Luke finally settles the argument by putting in Mean Girls, which happens to be his favorite movie.

We sit in silence, laughing at the funny parts of the movie.

In no time, they get up and say that they must get going.

"It was nice visiting you! See you soon." Louis shouts, before leaving the house.

"That was fun." I tell Calum who appeared beside me. "It was," he responded, "I have to tell you something. Can you come to my room?"

I nod and follow him.

He shuts his door and starts by saying, "So, you know we are going on a world tour, right?"

I nod, getting sad at the thought.

"Well we are going really soon."

"How soon?"

"We are leaving in a week."

I gasp.

"But babe, I want you to come."

I gasp again.

"Come on, please! I really want you to come. Please." He pleads.

"But I just came back to my family." I mutter.

"Julia, please. Sure, we'll be gone for a year but I need you with me. We're going to be 19! We can go and do this tour again."

I think this over. This past tour was amazing. I would miss my grandparents a whole lot. But Calum is my boyfriend, and I would miss him a lot too.

"What do I say to my grandparents?" I ask.

"Being as awesome as I am, I again already cleared it with them."

I can really go. I love Calum. I can't live without him for a year.

"I'll go on tour with you."

"Babe! Yes! Bea is coming again too. I can't wait. I love you so much!" And he hugs me real tight.

"I love you too." I whisper in his ear.

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