Chapter 14 Sticking Around

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Julia's POV


"We are gonna go on tour in 3 months, if we get the album done in time!"

Bea and I sit in shock.

We knew they were going to go on tour but that soon?

"That's great you guys." Bea faked enthusiasm.

"What's wrong babe?" Luke asks her.

"Nothing. We are really happy for you guys. We were just about to go to the movies so we gotta go. Bye guys." And Bea hangs up.

"What the heck Bea?" I ask her, confused.

"You aren't upset that they're leaving? Again?" She throws her hands up in frustration. "They took us on tour, yes it was amazing, but they're leaving again? This time it's their own tour. Hundreds of girls there for just them. Doesn't it annoy you?"

These words tumble around in my mind a bit. I mean, Bea has a point here.

"Are you afraid of losing Luke?" I blurt out.

She stares at me, "Maybe. Maybe not. Aren't you afraid of losing Calum?"

I am, I think to myself.

"I am, a bit." I respond quietly.

"Well I'm afraid of losing Luke too. A whole bunch of girls throwing themselves on him. Any girlfriend would be jealous I think."

I nod, agreeing to her statement.

"They love us though, Bea. They'll stick around."

"I guess." And she gives me a hug.


It has been about a month now, and the boys have already written their album. They've been at the studio 24/7, and Bea and I hardly ever get to see them anymore.

They are recording most of their songs now, to be put on iTunes Music Store.

Their twitters have skyrocketed from about 200 followers to 20 thousand followers.

We got to hear some of their music that they recorded, but most of the time they are locked away in that dang studio.

"Want to come to the mall with us?" My Grandma asks me from outside my bedroom door.

"Nah. I'm gonna chill here."

She responds with a slight 'okay', as I hear her footsteps trail off.

I decide to call up Calum, but all I get is a person saying, This number has been disconnected.

I decide to call Luke to see what's up with Calum's phone. I get the same message from his phone. The same pattern returns when I call Michael and Ashton.

Calum should be home soon.

I gaze out my window, staring at Calum's house waiting for him to come home.

Finally his car pulls up, and I race outside.

"Calum!" I yell, as I reach outside.

He turns around and sees me.

He doesn't smile or anything.

I run to his house and say, "Hey! I tried to call you. It said the phone has been disconnected or something."

"Yeah, I got a new number." He responds casually.

"And you didn't tell me?" I ask, annoyed.

"Fans kept calling me. Besides, I don't need to tell you everything." He rolls his eyes.

I'm taken back by his rude remark.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"Nothing. What's wrong with you? Huh?" He shoots back.

"All I did was ask a question."

"I am a celebrity, Julia. Celebrities change their numbers all the time. You expect me to remember to tell you everything that I change? Gosh."

What's wrong with him?

"Geez Calum, seriously, what's up with you? I hardly ever see you! Like ever. And when I am wondering why my boyfriend won't pick up his phone, I'm not supposed to ask?" I snap.

"Just lay off me already! I'm in a band now, and we're going on tour soon. I'm busy. I can't be at your beckon call every second Julia! You're not my mother! You're my stupid girlfriend, okay?" He snaps back.

I gasp. Stupid girlfriend.

"Fine. I'm your stupid girlfriend. Remember that, okay Calum? I'm your stupid girlfriend." And I storm back to my house. I hear him mutter "Julia, wait!" but I'm already in my house.

Hot tears slide down my cheeks.

Stupid girlfriend.

I can't believe he called me his stupid girlfriend.

I guess Calum won't be 'sticking around'.

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