Chapter 6

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With great power comes great responsibility. [Spider-Man]


** song above is the one I listened to while writing this chapter

* Important question at the A\N below !

Enjoy (:


I can't belive that this is happening right now.

I'm so close, I can almost feel the wall against my palms.
But it all happened to fast, I felt two strong hands grabbing my arm but I tried not to mind them, they won't set me back.

I tried to get free from the person that grab my arms, but with no success.
"Your Highness, I need you to come with me back to the castle, the King demanding to see you" The person that grabbed me started saying, he's demandeing me there, well good for him. What does he think I am? Some kind of animal that he can just demand and there I'll be?

I turned around to take a look at the person that caught me, he was big and bulky, he kinda reminds me of a big square or like spongebob when he's trying to trow the anchor but taller.

By his outfit I could tell that he is one of the guards here. His clothes are all black, black boots, black pants, and also this little earphone in his ear that make him look like an undercover agent.
After I was done with inspecting him, I turned my eyes from him and saw that a couple meters behind him stood another guard that looks pretty much like the guard that caught me, just like him he was dress in the same all black Gothic look, and he has this look in his eyes like he's ready to jump in any needed second.

I want to be strong so bad, not rise my hands and give up, but deep down I know that it was hopeless, the battle was loat from the beginning, I don't any other option other then coming with them, but who knows what the King will do to me once he gets a hold on me once again, and I don't think that my failed attempt to escape will help his behavior.

"Can you ask him if he can give me 10 more minutes to be by myself before I go to him?" I asked him.

"I will, just wait a minute" he replied back.
I watched as the guard touched his earphone with his index finger while he started talking.

"sir, she's asking if she could have 10 minutes alone before I bring her back to you" he said to the little microphone attached to it.
I waited a few seconds before the guard turned to me and said "Ok I will tell her" he says and drops his finger from his ear.

"The King is requesting to see you immediately" he replied with a look that was blank from emotion.

"Just give me 10 minutes it's all I'm asking for" I told him, why can't he just give me 10 minutes to collect myself? It's not a lot to ask, I'm freaking out just from the idea of going back there.

"You heard what the king ordered, it's either you come with me freely or I will have no other option then to use force on you" he replied to me harsly.

"Please, please don't make me go back there, I'll do anything, just please, please" I begged as fear stated to creep into me.

"I'm sorry but this is what the king asked" he said sounding a little sad which only increased my fear.
I started to back away from him, I know I can't go back there, once I get back he will never let me escape again and I can't let that happen.
The guard grabbed me by my arm and started to pull me in the direction of the castle.

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