Sassy Cinamon Roll

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"Gamora needed in room 28."

I sighed when hearing the intercom and one of the other nurses sent me a look of pity. "Seriously?" I asked her, Melissa McCall(she's literally my mother here). She shrugged, I had literally just got off goddammit.

"At least you don't have to go to a meeting about how bad your sons done this year," she smiled with a certain look that made me know that Scott McCall was going to be a deadman.

"Mm, not sure, I mean at least the teachers don't try to pulverise you with dirty looks," I rolled my eyes and she cringed with again, pity.

"That just depends on how bad Scotts doing. Anyway, I should get going, have a good night Wren!" I waved back to her as she exited the building. My dad was going to the exact same meeting with his girlfriend Jenna. I wasn't exactly worried, perfect grades and no behaviour issues apart from the odd truant and a couple issues in Harris' class. But come on, the guy is Satan. At least I'm not as bad as this Stilinski kid in my class, he must have done something in the life before this to Harris- like killed his dog or something. Harris hates him so much, almost more than I hate some of the douchebags in my year. I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button. When it opened, I walked in and pressed the second floor, and was left staring at my reflection across from me. Light brown hair and dark brown eyes, even my appearance was as plain as anything. I smiled slightly, trying to lighten the bored look that, according to my dad, was constantly covering my features. I immediately stopped smiling, I was so strange, no wonder no one talked to me.

The elevator dinged and I stepped out, heading down the hall to room 28. Inside was an aggravated looking Jackson Whittemore. "Oh great, I get this nerd. Unbelievable." He seethed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Would you rather have someone less intelligent? I could lower myself to your level, Mr Whittemore- if you'd like. Make all my 'nerd' speak more...Hm, understandable?" I replied, cold and holding no emotion. He growled slightly in response and I turned to get some painkillers.

"I'm guessing you've been playing lacrosse again, without permission," I turned with my hands on my hips and he glared, "Obviously," he snapped and I sighed. He's not gonna make anything easier for me, great.

"I'm not going to try convince you to stop playing, that's not gonna work, but you need to keep taking your medication, I know you're not taking that." He again, glared and I uncrossed my arms, getting annoyed, but no way is Jackson Whittemore getting a rise out of me. I roughly grabbed his hand and put the box of ibuprofen in, and turned and walked to the door, yanking it open, and left with a sarcastic smile and a wave.

I walked down the hallway with a slight smirk and when I got to the end and out of sight, I pumped my fist in success. Hell yeah, I took the piss out of Jackson Whittemore without stuttering or making a fool outta myself. I am the queen today.

I decide to take the stairs downstairs and I sat behind the front desk in front of the computer and tapped them lightly as I thought about what I wanted to type. I decided to type in my own name into the hospital database out of curiosity. A cheesy picture of myself popped up that Lydia Martin took when doing a photography shoot project with me last year. After getting over the cringeyness(seriously, who put that picture on my file?) I looked at the information.

Name: Wren Eliza Gamora
Age: 16
Status: Nurse
Relatives: Richard Gamora, Elena Fischer

A sudden disturbance made me look up towards the door, where the sheriff was held by the Stilinski guy in one of my classes. I rushed up to assist the boy and quickly assessed in my head what seemed to be wrong with him. He was clutching his elbow, so I was assuming that was the problem.

I know, well done Wren, what a fantastic nurse you are.

I pulled them both into a room with no one inside. The Sheriff didn't really seem in the right state to talk, so I led him over to the bed and sat him down then turned to the boy. "What happened?" He stared at me.

I'm not talking about staring like, obvious but not too creepy, I'm talking about full on, no blinking, stalker staring straight into my eyes. I raised an eyebrow and he didn't move. I clapped my hands in front of his face and he jumped back slightly.

I rolled my eyes, and repeated my question. "W-we were at the uh, school and we got attacked by a...mountain lion? And then he fell as a car hit him and he landed on his arm and I brought him into the hospital and you got up to help me and then we brought him into here and you sat him down and-"

"Shut up, Stilinski,"

"You asked me what happened?" He asked, his eyes slightly wider after being stopped so abruptly.
"Yes, I asked what happened, but as in the bits I didn't know about. I'm well aware that I brought him in here, I was kinda there," I sassed and he gulped then looked down and then glanced at his dad.

Right yeah, meant to be doing something about him.

I turned to, I'm guessing, Sheriff Stilinski and put my hand forward to touch his arm, raising my eyebrows to ask for permission and he nodded. I put my fingers on his elbow, putting pressure on some places to see what reaction I got.

It was just tissue damage, based on his reactions. The pain was heavy, but not agonising, nothing painkillers couldn't help. I smiled then turned to the cupboards and opened one to get paracetamol and then turned back to the sheriff. "You're not allergic to any analgesics are you?" I smiled at him.


"Pain killers," I rolled my eyes at the teen looking worriedly at dad. He looked at me and mouthed an 'o'. His dad shook his head at my question and I smiled again. "There's not really much else I can do, just give you these strengthened painkillers and send you to get a good nights rest," I offered and the sheriff actually half smiled.

"Thanks Wren,"

I'm not gonna lie, I was slightly surprised he knew my name. I moved to let him get up and turned to Stilinski to see him staring at me....again...It was getting kinda weird.

I opened the door to let them both out and the sheriff moved past me, but I didn't miss the odd look he gave his son. Stilinski lifted a hand to wave at me and effectively turned and walked straight into the wall next to the door. I sighed, my hand hitting my face and he went bright red and and actually walked through the door this time.

Once outside he waved again and I gave him a tight smile and a short wave as he stumbled down the corridor.

I was left wondering what the hell is wrong with that Stilinski boy.

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