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This class was possibly the dullest thing I've ever had to sit through, even Harris made his class entertaining by occasionally throwing pens at the odd student every so often. No this was a new kind of level of hell, further down than chemistry.

So I guess that's my excuse for listening into Stilinski and McCalls conversation.

"He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day," Scott whispered, but I mean, if he was trying to have a private conversation, maybe he shouldn't have had it in the middle of a classroom full of 30 or so students.

Especially nosey ones.

Such as myself.


"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work," and I could kind of hear Scotts sigh in his voice. Who's he?

"After school. Alright, well that gives me to the end of the day," Stiles said, and I was kind of intrigued.

I just want to let you know, I'm not usually like this....

Okay sue me, I totally am. I'm nosier than Pinocchio and Rudolph combined, but I normally try to keep out of people's businesses if they sound like their gonna start crying. It would be cruel to eavesdrop on a conversation like that.

I'm not cruel, last time I checked. Mean? Okay maybe sometimes, but not cruel. But seriously, if someone is having a shady, suspicious conversation in, as a I said before, a classroom full of people, I'm gonna listen in.

"To do what?"

"To teach you myself," Stilinski finalised.

"This sound sexual and the tension is killing me, mind if I join in?" I asked, with a slight smirk. Stiles eyes went wide. "What you teaching him Stiles? How to get off with his left hand?" I teased.

The buzzcut boys mouth fell open and he gawked at me. I gave up the persona and laughed, holding my hand over my mouth. Scott slightly laughed, putting his head down so the teacher wouldn't see.

"You're joking?" Stiles said, a look of shock on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Stilinski. I'm joking," I said, with a hint of a laugh still in my tone. "But seriously, who are you meeting tonight at the animal clinic? I know it isn't Allison," I smiled suggestively, to be fully honest, I didn't care that much. Seeing these two boys freak out was the only reason I was asking, it was the highlight of my day.

"Uh, no one, we're not talking about an actual animal clinic," Stiles stuttered and I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Well, you see, Barney has been looking ill lately, and I might need to take him there this evening," I taunted and Scott started shaking his head at Stiles.

"Who's Barney?"

"Her dog,"

"I am gonna ignore how you know that," I said, placing my hands on my desk, slightly creeped out but hey, maybe he just has me on Instagram or something. Wait, I deleted my Instagram last year. Hm, just gonna ignore it.

"Look, you two are acting pretty weird, I'm just interested, I'm pretty nonchalant about this," I smiled and Scott looked at me suspiciously.
"But seriously, if this hurts Allison, I'm gonna cut your throats out and feed you to my dog, comprende?" I asked, my facial expression sinister.

The bell rang and I stood, tossing a sweet smile to them. "Bye Stilinski, bye McCall!" I waved and left.


The rest of the day went past pretty quickly, nearly laughing every time I saw Scott and Stiles trying to avoid me.

Me and Scott got along pretty well, I'd been round his house a couple of times when invited by his mum. It sounds weird I guess, that his mum had invited me round, but she was like a motherly figure to me, while my actual mother lived far away from Beacon Hills. We were pretty close as well, having worked in the hospital with her for a while now.

Me and Scott weren't best friends, but we did talk a lot when given the opportunity, some of those chats even involved the similar situation of our parents. You know, separated and all.

When Allison came here, I knew that she had her eyes on Scott as soon as he entered the classroom. He was sweet and quite good looking and she was loveable, beautiful and one of the kindest people I had ever had the honour of knowing. They were a good pair.

I had become friends with her shortly after her meeting Lydia and Jackson, complimenting the way she did her hair and her clothes style. It didn't really take much more to start a close friendship.

Obviously, this caused me having spend a greater amount of time with Lydia, which I wasn't complaining about- I did like her...its just hanging around with Lydia more, meant hanging around with Jackson more.

I cannot stand him.

Just clearing that up, if you hadn't picked it up by now. I absolutely despise him. As did most of the school actually, never did understand why Danny was friends with him.

I sat down at lunch and Allison was showing us this book her aunt gave her, I was pretty interested. It was pretty cool to find your ancestors were badasses. Lydia did not have the same opinion as me.

"'Slipping into a coma' bored."

I sighed, she needs a filter or something. Maybe I could just stick a sock or something in her mouth. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking. Maybe I could stick like a huge crumpled ball of filter paper from the science lab in her mouth. I'm talking huge, like would it fit? Maybe as big as a tennis ball. I'm not sure if her mouth is big enough-


The yelling of my name brought me out of my thoughts and I bit my lip, embarrassed. Oops.

"Lydia's gone to history, I'm just gonna go to my locker or something, see you later?" Allison said and i stood up like an idiot and nodded.

I decided to take a walk outside as I had free period and went to sit on the bleachers, watching where my new subjects of interest were on the field. Stiles was holding a lacrosse stick.

Oh no.

I watched, amused, as the spastic teen threw lacrosse balls at his bestfriend. I was confused, but this was the most excitement I was gonna get today. I carried on watching until I noticed Scott on all fours and it looked like he was having an asthma attack or something.

"Is he okay?" I yelled and Stiles looked up and stared at me from across the field in shock for a couple of seconds. He then put his thumbs up and I shrugged. Whatever then.

I carried on watching as the boy slowly got back up. The behaviour was just plain odd.

I've never seen Scott behave like that, and I think I've seen Scott have an asthma attack before in like 5th grade, but it didn't look like that. It also took him a lot longer to recover.

I picked up my bag and flung it over my shoulder. No matter how much I wanted to know, this was nothing to do with me.

Despite telling myself that a thousand times, I couldn't shake the curiosity I had.

Shut Up Stilinski • Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now