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"Hey Wren!" I heard the voice and carried on walking. No, I am not in the mood for Jackson right now.

In fact, I'm never in the mood for Jackson.

"Wren! Wait up!" He jogged to my side, then tried to match the fast pace I was walking at. I looked at my watch then glared at him.

"I have 10 minutes, don't waste my time," I said, stopping in the middle of the empty hallway. He smiled slightly, but I don't know who he was trying to bullshit with the fake kindness.

"Look, I know I'm an asshole to you, like quite a lot-"

"All the time," I quipped and he clenched his fist but then smiled again. What the hell is going on?

"-quite a lot, and I just wanted to apologise. I'm mean to you for no reason and you don't deserve that," he explained and I narrowed my eyes. Yeah okay.

"Look Jackson, you may think that you're being the best person in the world right now and I appreciate the apology, I guess... But I really don't believe you're sincere and..." I paused, taking a dramatic breath in.

"I don't like you very much, in fact, I kinda hate you. But hey, have a good day," I smiled and walked away leaving him stunned.

Okay, so that may seem a little harsh, but that boy has been bullying me since 3rd grade, it was kind of nice to get a small payback every once and a while.

The only reason I haven't punched his face in is Lydia and only Lydia. It wasn't entirely because I was an amazing friend who wouldn't want to do that to one of her friends boyfriends... Of course it was partly because of that.

It was mostly because I was terrified of Lydia Martin. She could pack a punch, and I always tried to be out the way of her rage when it erupted.

She was like some supernatural being.

I headed to econ with coach, seeing Scott rush Stiles into the classroom, Allison walking calmly down the corridor. I smiled brightly and walked in after her, the coach hurrying us all to sit down in his enthusiastic but slightly intimidating voice. Allison went to sit behind Scott and I saw him give Stiles a defeated look. I was slightly concerned, I mean, she hadn't done anything wrong that I know of. In fact, I think Allison is kind of incapable of doing anything wrong.

I ended up sitting behind Stiles. He turned back to face me and I raised an eyebrow, making him turn back. I think this eyebrow raising is getting out of hand.

I glanced at Allison and she was trying to talk to Scott, but I have to say he didn't really seem as though he wanted to talk to her. Even while slouched, his entire body was tense and I'm not going to say I wasn't confused or curious, but this was something I didn't want to get in to. I looked forward to see the buzzcut boy and I bit my lip. Okay maybe I could ask, there's no harm in that right?

I poked him in the back with my pen(technically his pen, still unsure if I should ask why it's glittery) and he instantly turned as though he'd been waiting for me to speak to him. Not gonna lie, that was strange. "Hi Stiles," I grinned with a small curl of my fingers as a wave. His cheeks went a light pink and I kind of wondered why I'd never properly noticed him before.

Well, of course I'd noticed him, he's Stiles Stilinski. But I'd noticed him like Lydia Martin noticed people. I'd see him and laugh at his ways occasionally, but I wouldn't see him. I remember having a crush on him or something in 4th grade, and that was(if i remember correctly) because he gave me an orange- I didn't even know his name then.

I have to say, he's grown a lot. And grown pretty good. Buzzcut and all.

I bit my lip and pointed over to Allison and Scott, and he looked at them and looked back at me and I made a cringey face and he copied it.

Then of course, coach had to make a bad day for Scott worse by calling on him. I watched the exchange, Finstock obviously getting more irritated and disappointed and I could feel the anger coming off Scott. I didn't think Scott was stupid at all, and I was pissed off at the fact that the coach was trying to say that he was. I tried to raise my hand to maybe fish Scott out of it but the coach shot me a glare and I put it down.

I could hear a faint bleeping noise from ahead of me, and I was guessing it was Stiles. I glanced at the coach and then at him and leaned forward to see what is was. I was kinda confused to see a heart monitor, but not much because this was Stiles and from what I've learnt already is that he's a weird kid. 

"No? A blog? How about, uh, how about, uh, the back of a cereal box? No? How about the adults only warning from your favorite website you visit every night?"

The heart monitor starting slowing, and I'd already figured it out that is was Scotts heart beat, he's the only person in this room whose heartbeat could be that fast. Getting yelled at by coach is a pretty heart pumping experience. I furrowed my eyebrows at Scott to try to figure out why his heart rate was now slowing and my eyes focused on two hands joined under the table and as cheesy as it is, I felt my heart warm at the sight.

"Anything? Thank you, McCall, thank you. Thank you, McCall! Thank you for extinguishing any last flicker of hope I have for your generation. You just blew it for everybody. Thanks. Next practice you can start with suicide runs. Unless that's too much reading. All right. Everybody else, settle down."

I breathed out and glanced down at my hands which were gripping the table so tight my knuckles were white. I felt my facial expression shift into that of confusion. I liked him, sure, but it's not like I've never felt the surge of protection I felt towards him just then. The tension spreading from my body was slowly leaving, when I looked at Allison she gave me a small smile and the tension was nearly gone. The next glances were at Stiles, Scott and, strangely enough, Lydia and it was gone altogether. For some reason, seeing they were okay sent the reassurance through me that made me almost relaxed. Something weird was going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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