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Ok. You need to read this to understand what's happened.
___Tohru Honda found out about Kyos true form. The curse remains. You will meet the other zodiac animals. And school continues. If any questions ask in a comment.

Tohru's p.o.v

It's been a month since i seen Kyo's true cat form. At first I was horrified and scared. But I learn to accept it. Like mom always said.

"Just be yourself"

Thank you mom.

Everyone been so so so so happy and now there's no secrets. Well I hope not, but even it's there is it may be personal and also it's not any of my business. A lot has happened. Kyo and Yuki can now eat together in the same room without fighting. I'm so happy about that. I have a strange feeling every time I see Kyo and Yuki. It's not that I have feelings for them. It's different. Like something is going to happen soon. Hmmmm....I wonder what though. Well I got to go. I have chores to do, and they can't clean themselves!
Sincerely Tohru

I closed my diary and tied the cleaning hat around my head.

"Ok. let's get to it!"

I scrubbed the floors and did the dishes, along with laundry. Then I headed to the kitchen to make lunch.

Hmmm.....what sounds nice? How about strawberry pie smoked fish and leek rice balls. I guess I could make salmon ones to for Kyo. Yep! That'll do.

"Good afternoon Miss Honda, what's for lunch?"

I shrieked a little and jumped startled at the voice. I turned around saw Yuki. He was wearing his usual white shirt and black pants. He smiled kindly and waited for my reply.

"Miss Honda? Are you alright?", he asked nicely yet concerned.

I blushed embarrassed and bowed my head repeatedly.

"Oh! Yes! I'm sorry! We are having strawberry pie and smoked fish along with leek rice balls"

Yuki stood there calm as always.

" Oh. It's alright. But what about Kyo? He isn't fond of leeks.and we don't want him yelling stupidly around the house like a mad man for a silly reason such as food."

That feeling...I feel it happens when Yuki talks about Kyo.I have the feeling that he's concerned and sensitive over Kyo when he talks about him. I smiled at that thought.

"I was thinking of cooking salmon rice balls for him."

Yuki nodded his head.
"If it isn't to much trouble. Well make sure you make it taste soft. Kyo can be a total complete child at making messes. So will you miss Honda?"

"Sure no problems, Yuki!"

I smiled at the concern for Kyo.
As I was about to start cooking I heard a loud crash from upstairs and a loud familiar voice.

"GOD DAMN IT! This stupid house!"

Kyo came in the kitchen rubbing his head cursing the whole time.

"I don't think it's the house that was stupid", Yuki said in a dull voice.

"Oh Kyo are you ok!?", I asked concerned grabbing an ice pack.

"What was that rat boy!?!", Kyo yelling toward Yuki. Kyo took a fighting stance and swung at Yuki. Yuki swiftly dodged it and punched Kyo in the stomach. Kyo didn't stop there., he went to kick Yuki but as Yuki dodged the kick he didn't dodge the punch in his stomach. they both collapsed to the ground wheezing, holding their stomachs.

"You stupid cat!"


"Kyo,I hope you're not destroying the house again!", I heard Shigure yell while poking his had through the doorway, smiling like always.

"Shut up!", Kyo said

"Stay out of this!"Yuki said

Both trying to get up.

"Wow, Yuki. Either you've lost your touch, let down your guard, or *coughs* Kyo *coughs* gotten *coughs* stronger,I dare say."

"Oh no. I lost completely to Kyo because of his growing strength", Yuki said sarcastically.


Never mind that feeling. Well maybe they can at least be friends. As Kyo and Yuki recollect themselves I was reminded of something VERY important.

"Oh! You guys I got a call from my grandpa!"

They all stop at the same time. Well this is awkward...

"Well!?!", Kyo said impatiently.

"Oh yes sorry it just got quiet really fast I thought it was kinda of awkward and..."

"It's alright Miss Honda, just tell us", Yuki said calmly.

"Well, he said he's going to America to pick up my cousin. She s been in an accident. He wants me to come along to make her feel more comfortable and adapt well to here. She'll be living with him. Since my Aunt and their family moved out into their own house, he has space. It'll be around a month by the time I get back. "

"What type accident?" Yuki said curiously.

"What's her name and age is it a her?!", Shigure asked creepily smiling.

"Who will cook our food and clean then!?!", Kyo said panicked.

"Of all things to fret about", Yuki said rubbing his nose irritated.

"Oh, well Kagomia (k_go_may)
Is a girl she's 20. It was a fire she ran into a house to save some kids who were stuck.. She got hurt badly. Her mom is my Aunt on my mom's side. She's my mom's little sisters daughter. I meet her once a my mom's funeral. Her mom is on a business trip and won't be home till two months from now so the hospital needs a guardian for her till then and she's isn't conscious to sign the papers. Oh I'm sorry about this being sudden"

"It's quite alright Tohru. Accidents do happen. Like for example, Kyo landing a punch on Yuki", Shigure said laughing then he got punched on the head.

"Shut up Shigure!"

"So childish. Well Miss Tohru it can't be helped. I believe you need to go to comfort her. I think we can survive a month. Though we will miss you", Yuki said understanding my position..

"Oh how we will miss you our dear dear sweet Tohru!", Shigure said in a dramatic voice.

We all looked at Kyo who was sulking in the corner. .

"Fine. go on ahead. But hurry up"

"Thank you guys so so so much!", I said happy.

______(next day)___________________

As I was about up aboard the plane I yelled

"Remember dinner is in the fridge cook it to 350°! And no fighting Kyo! Yuki!"

And then I was off the America.


Well this is the last time it'll be in Tohrus p.o.v.

Yukyo (Fruits Basket Fanfic: Yuki & Kyo) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora