Chapter 2

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[shoutout to @xxalovelikewarxx for being a fuckin rad fan and actually inspiring me to write some more ] 

"I swear, it was like the perfect moment!" I explain to my close friend Jesse, pushing the large bowl of fries that was sitting between us, all the way to her side of the table.

She grabs the bowl and sticks her long, thin fingers in and grabs out three french fries at once, shoving them into her mouth. That's what I liked most about Jesse. She wasn't a normal girl, wasn't flirtatious towards every guy she had an encounter with, was 100% real and tough as nails. It was always so easy to talk to her about anything. "Hm," She says taking a sip out of her large soda. "Sounds like you really like this girl." Jesse opens her dark blue eyes wide and smirks at me.

I roll my eyes at her and she lets out a laugh, taking a few more french fries and dipping them in ketchup. "But seriously, I'm pretty sure we both felt at least something last night... But how the hell am I ever supposed to find her again?" I let out a defeated sigh as I spoon out the last that had been left at the bottom of my milkshake.

Jesse shrugs her shoulders and pushes her dark brown bangs away from her eyes. "I think that if you're really that into this girl that much, you should try to find her harder." She suggests. Wait, I think to myself. Is she unaware of how many people lived in San Diego?

"You're crazy." I respond giving her a strange look. Jesse just smiles and chews on her bottom lip which was something she seemed to do often. Resting her elbows against the table she makes a devilish grin with her small, crooked mouth.

"Maybe I am. But since she was at that huge party last night, then obviously she must live at least somewhere around here. Think of it; there are beaches everywhere. If she lives near like, I don't know, Mission Beach, she would have gone there to celebrate Fourth of July. Why would she go to the Imperial Beach party when it's so much farther away? There's no point because that would be just stupid." Jesse reasons. I nod my head understanding what she was saying.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." My voice trails off and my mind wanders to the thought of what I would do if I actually somehow managed to find her.

"Of course I am," She says interrupting my vision of me and the mystery girl getting together. I look back up at her and that evil smile that never seems to wear off her face. "I'm always right."

After finishing our lunch, Jesse and I head out of 'Di Carlos Pizza' which was our favorite restaurant to hang out at. Cheap prices, great food; it couldn't be more perfect than for a group of young people who were short on cash. We walk up the long streets and finally reach Costco.

Upon entering, we spot Jaime rearranging the canned goods into a pyramid on a yellow table. It looked as if he were almost done with the job, but the two Williams brother's come running by and knock them all down purposely. The perfectly made pyramid crashes to the floor and Jesse and I come rushing to help Jaime pick them back up.

"Those assholes!" Jaime mutters under his breath as he glares furiously at the two brothers who are busy laughing and giving one another high-fives for the damage they have done. "It's been two years since we've graduated and those little pricks still won't leave us alone! What the hell do they want from us?!" 

"Fucking trouble..." Jesse growls as she trails off heading straight toward them with a glint of a burning flame for revenge flickering in her eyes. She clenches her fists and cracks her knuckles waiting to throw in a few punches.

I rush up to Jesse and grab her by the waist. She squirms in my arms, struggling to get out of my grip reminding me of the way my younger cousin had reacted last night. "Let. Me. Go!" She yells trying to yank me away from her.

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