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So, I posted this yesterday and I woke up this morning and I didn't have any votes or comments so I started to get worried. Turns out, it never published, and it deleted the entire chapter. So I spent all morning trying to rewrite this chapter. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy, I love you all. XOXO

B. I was in the middle of working on my homework when a knock on my door disrupted me. "Mom, I told you already, I don't want any cookies" I groaned, walking to the door. I pulled it open to see, not my mom, but my baby standing there.

I grinned and pulled him into a hug, kissing him softly while muttering 'I missed you' He happily kissed back and laughed at my actions. It's been about 2 months since Louis pregnancy was announced and he's now 3 months pregnant. He agreed to let the doctors study him and the pregnancy, as long as they don't do any experiments on him.

Me and Niall? We've been amazing, these past few months have been like a heaven for me. My grades are improving, I have amazing friends, an amazing and beautiful boyfriend. "Haz, let's watch a movie!" He says running to my movie rack. I chuckled at his adorable figure. He looked so cute today, he had on Nirvana crop top shirt, black ripped jeans, and knee high leather boots.

I smiled and sighed, "I wish I could babe but I have to finish this homework. " he whined in protest, stomped his foot and pouted. I got up and stood right in front of him causing him to gulp. My faced morphed into a cheeky smirk as my hands traveled to his waist. His arms reached up to wrap securely around my neck. I slowly and teasingly leaned toward and brushed my like against his, before I can fully press my lips on his, I turned and kissed his cheek before chuckling and sitting back down to doing my homework.

He huffed, grabbed his stuff and turned to me "Fine, Harry, you wanna act like a dick? Well, you don't get yours sucked or a hand job for a month" He glared. I immediately protested, "Niall! Come on baby, you know I'm struggling in English and I need to finish my homework! You can't get mad just because I'm doing school work! " I said.

His glare faltered before he sighed and stared at me apologetically. "You're right" he said, "I shouldn't be distracting you like that. I'm sorry Harry, can you forgive me? " Niall poked his bottom lip out and pouted. He knows I can't resist the pout. I smiled and kissed him properly this time.

It was a small but passionate kiss, after we pulled away he smiled, eyes still closed, and said "I love you"

I pecked his lips again, "I love you more. "

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