Chapter 8

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Hopefully this will be an action packed random, un-related chapter. Like some other ones! (I'm having troubles, a little writers block..) so in this I'm adding an oc of mine!! And YES the art is MINE, so please don't steal ittt!! Just forget about all of the blood

"COME ON SANS, MAN UP AND LET ME HIT YOU WITH THE SNOWBALL!!" I yelled and chased after him. This was the first time I have ever seen Sans run, and probably the last.


"SANS!!" I yelled, following him into the woods, "big baby.." I grumbled and suddenly lost him.

'Oh no.. Oh no no no!' I thought, 'Im lost!! And I will never find a way back, IM DEAD!! Uggh, Papyrus... I lub you! Sans, you were like a brother to me!! Myself, I love you!!' I hugged myself and fell into the snow, laughing at my stupid-ness.

I heard a few twigs snap behind me and I jumped up then twirled around, to see Sans trying to sneak up on me, "HA!!" I yelled and ran towards him, picking up snow. 

I tackled Sans and shoved the snow into his face, laughing. 

"AHHHHHH COLD COLD COLD!!" Sans tried to push me off but, didn't succeed, I just laughed.

"GEt DuNKEd OOOONNNn!!!" I screeched.

"NOOOOO that's my line!!" Sans pouted.

I heard more steps and looked behind me, seeing Papyrus I grinned childishly, "Hey Pap!"

"What was all the screaming about?!?"

"Oh nothing!"I secretly grabbed some snow.

"Alright, well now I suggest we all go back home for a cup of hot chocolate" Papyrus suggested.

I stood up and hugged him, "Your'e so warm!!" I buried my head into his chest and smiled.

Papyrus hugged back and he told Sans to get up, Sans said that he would catch up later and we should go home. We did as he said and me and Pap got inside. I made 3 cups of hot chocolate, and finished right as Sans walked in. Sans looked at me worriedly and sat by Papyrus on the couch.

'Why is Sans so worried?' I thought. I walked over with all three cups and handed him one of them. He gladly took it and I gave Pap the one of the others. Pap smiled and I sat next to him, "Whatcha watchin' Pap?" I asked.

"MTT News! Alphys is on today and talking about more experiments she is working on! More specifically a creation she made.. It's like she took a human and put monster genes into it..." Papyrus explained.

"Huh.." I watched.

"Uh-h.. yeah, this c-creation isn't j-just.. a cr-creation, she is a p-pal, won-wont ever leave, and n-never betrays y-you.." Alphys stated. The camera pointed towards the creation, the screen said something.

"Hello. I'm Jane." Then the screen had a smiley face, seems familiar. Why is that name familiar too?

(I just realized I am listening to Diary Of Jane by Breaking Benjamin)

~Time skip because I'm lazy~

Alphys called and told us Jane would be coming over to meet us. I guess I was excited, but I still feel...weird.. Could it have been my friend Jane that apparently was 'Kidnapped' like a year ago? No, It couldn't be... Could it?

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