Chapter 9

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Hey, I just decided to do a quick little chapter

A knock came at the door. Papyrus immediately got there and opened the door, "JADE!!" He welcomed her and let her in.

She walked in a bit awkwardly, but then cane up to me and waved, "H-E-L-L-O" the screen said. Then back to the smiley face.

"Hello Jade" I smiled and waved back, "Im (Y/N)"

"THE (Y/N)?" Jade asked.

"There are many different (Y/N)s in the world.." I sighed.

"Okay" was all she replied and looked around, "Nice house"

"Thanks..." I sighed, 'I have to ask Alphys about this' I thought, 'First Pap and Sans, now this... Why is she having so many experiments lately?'

I told Pap and Sans I was going to go see Alphys, I put on my shoes and walked out the door. Heading towards Alphys's lab, scared of what might happen.


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