Switching Sides Chapter 2

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**Très mignon- Very cute

Très adorable- Very adorable

Muy adorable- (Do I really have to translate this?) Very adorable

If there is anything else that you didn't understand, I would be more than happy to translate it for you! And I apologize if anything is incorrect...I just used a translator for everything!

In this Chapter, Spain and Romano realize how difficult it is to keep a secret, and that being the other person is much harder than they originally thought it would be. Please enjoy the second chapter and rate/review when you're finished!


Tired eyes focused themselves open, fingers brushing down the all too-soft skin. It was alarming how smooth and perfect Antonio felt this morning. The Spaniard stood from his bed, rubbing his chin. No stubble? Had he gotten smaller, shorter and less hairy all in one night? His wish must have come true!

Skipping into the bathroom, he gave a squeal as he caught sight of his reflection, his jaw dropping; though, it wasn't his jaw. Instead, his face was small and fragile, jawline thin and kind of feminine, but definitely cute. Not his. Antonio brushed through the auburn locks atop his head. His hair looked like a mop, or rather, Lovino's. Antonio looked like Lovino, which wasn't a bad thing in the least. But he didn't understand why he didn't look like...Well, himself. Grabbing up his phone, he grunted, dialing Lovi's number and waiting patiently for the other to answer, but his voice never came.

Quickly gathering up a jacket for his new, chilly body, he headed out for Lovi's house. Frantically knocking on the Italian's door, Antonio shifted the weight from one foot to another, biting into his lip. Fear struck him as the door swung open, revealing Antonio's body. Both boy's released a yelp, jumping away from the other.

"Lovi...Why are you in my body..? Que paso? Did you get bored of your body and pass it off to me?" He joked, only, Antonio had the strange opportunity to watch his own self grab ahold of him and shake him.

"This is not'a funny, you damned bastard! Give'a me back my body!" Lovino demanded, clutching his own body's tiny shoulders, Italian accent coming out thick in all of the panic.

"Be careful...You don't want to hurt yourself...Man, my accent is really sexy,"

A long silence passed through the air as Lovino thought, both men exchanging uneasy glances.

"I can't'a do this. Your body smells like'a churros! And your economy sucks ass, Spain,"

A sheepish smile took over Antonio's lips, which was a weird look on the Italian's face.

"Stop smiling, bastard. Don't'a give my face wrinkles."

The time passed with the two men sitting on the couch, watching each other suspiciously, as if one of them were going to stab the other for looking at him. Lovino didn't know how to go about this and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became. Nothing seemed to be clicking in either of their brains, so Antonio decided to speak.

"Instead of sitting here, we could go out and try something amor," Antonio offered up with a chuckle, only receiving a slap from Lovi.

"Don't'a use Spanish while you're'a me!"

Standing up, Antonio raised a brow, ushering Lovi out the door, "If I can't use Spanish in your body, you have to lose the Italian accent in mine."

Lovi knew he couldn't argue with that. They would have to go around as each other for the time being. If they told the other Nations what had happened...Well. Lovino didn't want to get into that. Everything was fine and dandy for the first ten minutes of the walk...Until they saw Francis strolling in front of them.

"Ohonhonhon...Look at what we 'ave 'ere... Zis is très mignon~!"

Of course, Lovino was the first to react in a situation like this, especially since he hated Francis.

"Don't'a make me shove my foot right up your-" Lovi was cut off as a painful kick to his leg made him quiet down.

"Vous are angry with moi, mon ami?" Francis pouted at who he thought was Antonio. Again, Antonio kicked him.

"Er...Sí. Como estas, Francis?" The Spanish burned his ears.

"I am well...'ow are vous and Lovi?" Lovino couldn't help but turn to look at Spain, wanting to see how he was acting. The bastard just pouted and lingered back, making his body seem like a fragile little uke. He would be paying for that later... Either that, or he was just depressed that he wasn't allowed to be playful and happy with his friends.

"We are well." Not using his Italian accent was difficult, something he couldn't do often. He was also trying to be cheerful, like Spain would be, but the fake smile only made his lips twitch.

Francis circled around Antonio's body to get to who he thought was Lovino.

"I still want your cute little Romano..." Francis eyed Lovi (The real one in Spain's body), who only laughed at the sight of his frame being molested by France. He would have been worried about it, but Antonio was struggling to get him off, which made Lovino want to encourage him.

"You can't have my Romano! He es mine!" Toni exclaimed, gripping onto Francis's blue cape-like attire. The area around them went silent. Lovi couldn't help but slap a hand over his face. Not only had Antonio used a Spanish accent in the Italian's body, but he had screamed something about Lovino...Who he was supposed to be!

After a moment of quiet, Francis smiled, "Ooh! Lovino is talking about 'imself in ze zhird person~! Hoho! Zat is très adorable! Don't you zink so, Spain?"

All eyes were on him now. Francis wanted an answer. He was probably expecting him to jump on the opportunity to hug and smother "his" Lovi in affection. And Antonio was staring at him with a smirk on his face, waiting to see what the Italian would do at this point.

"Ahem. Spain?"

Lovi decided to play along. "Oh, sí. He is muy adorable." Grunting, he threw his arm around the smaller boys', well, /his/, shoulders, pulling him close. Though, as soon as he did that, the bastard completely broke character by cuddling against him. Thankfully, Francis didn't notice and had already walked away to find something more entertaining.

"Awwww! Lovi~! You think I'm cute?"

Lovino rolled his eyes and shoved Spain to the ground, wincing when he realized it was his own body he was punishing, "No, idiota. You're'a in my body. I'm the one who's'a cute."

And with that, he walked away.


**Time for more thinking! I have so many ideas for this story and I am so excited to write on it! Let me know what you guys thought about the chapter and if I should continue on it or not! I think it'll be a fun! If you have any ideas on how the story should escalate, feel free to mention it in the comments, and don't forget to review and critique! I always appreciate it! Thank you for reading! The third Chapter is in progress!

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