Switching Sides Chapter 1

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**I plan for this story to be full of drama and anger and everything else, really. If you have any ideas on where the story could go, feel free to mention them! I may have a fighting scene (Or action), some drama, angst, fluff for the romantics...I'll have it all. There is some language in here, but it's Romano, so, what did you expect, honestly?

All reviews are welcome, and I am very excited to be writing this one! Hope you all enjoy!


Calloused palms dusted the porcelain body, as if scavenging it to find something meaningful. More so, they attempted to find the one spot that would make the other figure squirm and beg for him to stop, muttering the man's name on top as the one on bottom hid his face under the covers and-

A swift hand was brought up, crashing with the tanned cheek of the Spanish man, who had to jump back before another jaw-breaking slap would hit him. The Italian, who had blankets twisted and wrapped around every one of his limbs gave a harsh stare to the Spaniard, looking utterly adorable with messy auburn locks, that curl of his bent over awkwardly. Antonio wanted to fix it, but he remembered the last time he touched that curl. It ended with hot coffee "accidentally" spilling in his lap.

"Hola, Romano~" Antonio cooed, bending his knees until he was eye-level with Lovino. "How did you sleep? You still look muy tired.."

With the roll of dark eyes, Lovino picked himself out of bed and shoved Antonio to the floor, not questioning why Antonio was in his house. He didn't know how the idiot got in, but he wouldn't ask about that until he woke up a little more.

Throwing on some decent clothes, Lovi made his way into the living room, sighing a little as Antonio came waltzing out from the bedroom, saying something about how he wanted the Italian to go with him to some place. It was most likely something that Lovino didn't want to do, but would end up doing to make Spain shut the hell up and go away. The boy couldn't understand how the other man was so cheerful all the time.

"-And then we can pick those flowers..What color are they? Yellow? Sí. I really want to visit that wishing well they have..That really cute one by the market. Could we go there, por favor?"

A long silence passed through the air, allowing Lovi to breathe out slowly, relishing in the fact that no one was speaking. "Whatever...we can go to your'a stupid wishing well." He said, grabbing up a jacket, knowing that he would need one with the cold weather they were having. Antonio merely skipped out of the house, not bothering to ask for a jacket or anything else.

The two boys strolled towards the Market, not really speaking to each other, except for when the two of them got too close, and their knuckles brushed up against one-another's. Lovino ended up turning and screaming at Spain, which only made the Spaniard laugh nervously and apologize repeatedly for what he had done. Needless to say, it wasn't the most romantic trip the two of them had taken together.

When they arrived, Antonio grinned and rushed over to the well, peeking over the side and nearly falling in. Idiot. Lovino grabbed the back of his shirt, rolling his eyes as he kept him in place. Why did he have to be the one to babysit this bastard? Well, probably because his entire life, "this man" took care of him. Damn it all.

Watching Antonio dig in his pockets, he muttered, "Hold out your hand, Lovi."

Doing as told, Lovino held out his hand, palm turned upwards so Antonio could place a special looking coin there, a wide grin on his face.

"It's a penny from Spain. Muy especial~" He explained as Lovi examined the coin, a frown forming on his face. It was a lousy penny..But it had a nice shine, "I call it my Spanish penny."

A little smile almost touched the corners of the Italian's mouth, but he refused to show it...Especially when Antonio moved closer, readying his own coin. "Okay, now you make a wish and I will make a wish...When we do that, we are going to throw the coin's in at the same time, okay? Okay..One-Close your eyes...Two..."

Lovino found himself surrounded in darkness as he lidded his eyes. He was calmer at that moment than he had been in a long time..It was a nice feeling. What did he wish for though? There wasn't a lot that the Italian wanted..But one thing he had considered lately was something that he admired in Antonio. It was that happy-go-lucky attitude..That smile... everything about Toni made others love him. He wished that he could trade Antonio. He wanted to be him...Maybe for a little while...

Realizing what he had been thinking about, Lovino quickly brought up another thought, one about how he wished he had a plate of churros and tossed the coin into the well when Antonio said three, both of them watching and listening as their coins dropped down the dark tunnel.

"Well, that was fun!" Antonio stated, giving Lovino a quick hug. "Muchas gracias for joining me here, Lovi. I had so much fun!" He said with a chuckle. And then the two of them split ways. Though, it was odd. Lovino had this feeling in his chest that wouldn't go away...He didn't know what it was though.

Later that night, both men tucked themselves into their respective beds, Antonio in the comfort of his own house, the same for Lovino, and they both drifted off to sleep.

That sick feeling remained in the Southern's stomach for the remainder of the night, toying with his mind, causing him to have a nightmare of something attacking him and hurting him...And that dream felt so real. Lovino awoke the next morning, panting heavily, trying to brush the sweat out of his eyes....But when he brought his hand up to his face, he examined his skin. It was a tan color, one that could only be seen on the Spaniard....

Quickly jumping out of the bed, Lovino hurried over to a mirror, bracing himself before staring at his reflection. But...That reflection was no longer his. Standing before him was a tall, dark and handsome man, who wore his brown locks tousled and messy. Who couldn't say something without the Italian criticizing him. Lovi was inside Antonio's body.

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