Switching Sides Chapter 4

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**I am sorry it took so long for me to get the next Chapter out! I became frustrated with this story because it was so confusing with Lovino and Antonio being in different bodies, and clarifying who's who all the time is repetitive. So I am trying to get it all straightened out. Just try and keep in mind that they are in each other's body!

By the way, I wanted to thank you all for so many followers and reviews! I was so surprised and happy to find that people were liking it! It really inspires me to keep writing on it now that people are catching on! <3


It had been a dreary morning; a morning that Lovino wished would have never come. Pacing around in the Spaniard's body, the Italian drummed his fingers against the bedside dresser. Antonio was asleep in bed.

Honestly, seeing himself from another point of view was starting to become a normal routine, even though it hadn't been very long that the two of them had swapped bodies. Still...

Tapping his fingers even louder, Lovino eventually got tired of waiting for the bastard to open his eyes so he shoved him off of the bed, covers and all.

Antonio popped up off the ground, staggering around slightly as he tried to pull the sheets off from around his limbs, whining slightly.

"Romaaaa...Why did you do that to boss? Is something the matter? Are you hurt?"

Lovino grabbed Antonio by the shoulders and wheeled him over to the window so he could see what was going on outside. It was bad...

At their front door was Feliciano and Ludwig, but Lovino didn't know why they would be stopping by! What the fuck did he do to deserve this kind of punishment?

"You get the door, Lovi. I'm not dressed for this..." Antonio yawned and stretched his arms, allowing Lovino to see that the bastard was only dressed in a T-shirt and boxers.

"Don't'a violate my body!" He hissed, clenching his fists as he stormed out of the room, hesitating before grabbing the doorhandle. Could he really pull off being Spain for any longer? The thought of being nice to that douche-dick Ludwig was enough to make him puke inside his own mouth. Well, Antonio's mouth. This body swapping thing was getting gross.

Lovino was even more pissed off than the night before because he had to get Antonio to walk him into the bathroom and hold his junk while he took a piss. Lovino simply blocked his eyes and waited until it was over. He wasn't going to touch all over Antonio!

Though, Lovino was pretty sure that while he was sleeping in the middle of the night, he heard a flush from Antonio's bathroom. If he touched his body, so help him god...!

Pulling open the door with a forced smile, Lovino stepped back a little, checking to see where Antonio was. Getting dressed, good.

"Feli! What are you doing here~?" This was a time when Lovino wished he knew more Spanish, that way he could imitate Antonio better. But, he would just do what he had to so no one suspected anything!

"Veee~ Where is'a my fratello~?" Feli skipped into the house, glancing around pathetically, "He didn't'a come home last night! I was'a so worried! Germany came along to help'a me look for him-" Gasping, the Italian ran into the bedroom where Antonio was dressing, throwing his arms around the other male.

"I missed you so much, fratello~ When you didn't come'a home, I was worried!" With a little laugh, he backed off his half naked brother.

Antonio seemed to forget that he wasn't wearing clothes and immediately opened his arms, wanting to pull the eager young Italian in for a hug but Lovino ran at him, grabbing and holding Feli against his chest.

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