Niall for Emma (pt 2)

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Hey emma_njh here is the second part to ur imagine as you requested. Hope you like it! Plz vote and comment everyone!
Oh crap!

I quickly got up from my bed after checking the time. 9:50! How had I slept for so long?

I rushed over to the shower and after quickly freshening myself up, came back outside. Niall was still peacefully sleeping on the bed with a slight smile on his face.

I ran to the bed and sat down beside him.

"Niall baby wake up. It's 10 already. We are going to be late for University. Get up!" I said shaking him.

"Aww let me sleep Emma. I'm so tired." I smiled at his morning voice.

"Niall please wake up! We are going to be late. Wait we already are late. Now we are going to be super late!" I said hurriedly taking out clothes from my wardrobe.

I grabbed a pair of light washed jeans with a black and gold sweatshirt to wear on top. I ran to the bathroom to get dressed while yelling at Niall the whole time.

After doing my hair and applying my make-up, I stepped back in my room. Niall was still fast asleep.

"NIALL HORAN! You better get up right now or I will kick you off the bed!" I yelled while jumping up on my bed.

"Argghhh! Alright alright, I'm awake!" Niall said with a pout as he went into the washroom.

I laughed as I set to make the bed. After that was done, I quickly buttered up some toast and made coffee for our breakfast.

"Emma what are you doing?" Niall asked he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Nothing. Just getting ready for University. I made breakfast for us." I said hurriedly as I dragged him over to the couch in the living-room.

"Can we please not go to Uni today? Pretty please? With a cherry on top? I can help you study. I promise. No distractions." He said showing me all his fingers. None of them were crossed.

I sighed deeply and smiled.

"Oh alright. Whatever."I said defeated.

I really had to stop listening to Niall. Someday he is going to drive me nuts. But that's ok. I already am crazy. Crazy in love.

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