Siddarth for Pooja

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Hi friends! Sorry for taking so long but I had a looootttt of requests. So anyways, this is for Pooja_m Hope all of u enjoy it! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
Pooja's POV:

Today was my first day on the set of my first movie. I was finally selected as a debut actress in Karan Johar's newest movie. But the best part of this experience would be working with my co-star. I couldn't believe who it was. It was SIDDARTH MALHOTRA! The actor I had been crushing on since SOTY.

He was the most handsomest and good-looking person I had ever seen. And now, I would have a chance to work with him. A couple days after I had given my audition, Karan sir had call me to tell me that I had been accepted. After all the meetings and introductions, I had been able to meet Siddarth. He had shook my hand and I had been on cloud nine. It was the best feeling in the world!

As I reached the set, I rushed in to meet Karan sir. I quickly greeted him and made my way to my vanity van. While getting changed into a short floral dress which reached my mid-thighs, I thought up things to say to Siddarth.

"Pooja? Shot's in 5 minutes!" Someone said, knocking on the door.

"Ok thank you!" I yelled back.

I quickly added the finishing touches and went outside to join the others on the set.

As soon as I joined the others, Siddarth came and gave me a casual hug, which caused me to blush hard.

Slowly, we separated, even though I wanted to stay in his embrace forever.

"Ok Pooja. Today is your first day of actual shooting. Good luck!" Karan said.

We all took our spots according to the script. In the first shot, Siddarth had to hold my hand and tell me about his feelings for me. Sid said his lines perfectly and with perfect emotion. Now it was my turn. But, I couldn't remember my lines. Every second that I looked into Sid's eyes made me forget everything around me. This went on for a couple of times.

"Pooja! What are you doing! Can't you say two lines, for god's sake?!" Karan yelled at me, causing tears to come to my eyes.

I turned away and wiped my tears hoping that no one would notice. But someone did. Sid placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me around. He wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"Karan calm down man. It's her first day. Give her a chance." Sid said, standing up for me.

I looked at him and gave him a weak smile. He smiled back. I couldn't believe that SIDDARTH MALHOTRA had stood up for me! Maybe today wouldn't go all that bad. I was hopeful.

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