The Tags Of The Century!

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Okay so first of (1) Fudging heck why u do dis to me?! and (2)Okay I'm gonna do dis like a bawz!

Okay I was tagged by LittleDragon256 lets get on with it

1.) Tag thirteen people to do this all
2.) You must have an answer for every single question. You also must make up  13 questions for said tagged people (oh this is gonna be gooood)
3.) No excuses! Just say "I don't want to"
4.) If you have not finished this tag within a week and I said for you to do this, you must do whatever I say, which is;
Dress up as a Neko hybrid (not outside) and dance to your least favorite song for a day
5.) Tag backs are confirmed possible
6.) Make a creative title!
7.) You must put this in a book, NOT IN THE COMMENTS!!!

Now let's get started

1.) Who is your hero?
Well, I have multiple. Preston, Mitch, and Sub. For Preston, I wanna become the best at parkour I could ever be. For Mitch, I want to become a PvP Master and be good at fights. And for Sub, I want to master the art of animating.

2.) Who do you confide in?
I don't know what that means...but I assume it's what I do, so I write books and draw basically

3.) If you could have only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Well, for this it would be spaghetti with meatballs. Yum!

4.) What is your favorite word?
Probably gaming. I like to go online all the time! 'Nuff said. Period.

5.) What is your least favorite word?
It's actually racists. I come from a different country so it's bad for me.

6.) What is your worst habit?
Um....I have one but I don't wanna say I'll just say gaming for 10 hours straight.....don't judge......

7.) Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Every. Single. Night. I never get caught because my walls are basically sound proof.

8.) What is your favorite book?
Obviously this would have to be The Wing and the Wall. It's such a good book! You guys should read it sometime.

9.) What is your latest achievement?
Eating a chilly dog for the first time. Just today I ate a chilly dog from A & W

10.) What is the last picture you took on your phone?
A picture on digital art on IbisPaint X. Yes I do Speedpaint, and yes I post it on my YouTube channel (KiannaKittyYT)

11.) What is the last song you listened to?
It has to be 'I Just Wanna Run' by The Downtown Fiction. It just gets me past some hate in school

12.) Are you a night owl, early bird, or both?
Both, because I wake up early on some mornings or sleep in until 11:00 am or something.

13.) What would you name your country, island, state, city, etc?
It would have to be Nipon Island, named after my favorite country, Japan.
Now for my questions for you:

1.) What do you like better: Neko or Puppy?

2.) What is your favorite hobby?

3.) Who is your favorite Youtuber?

4.) How would you rate you grade level in school?

5.) What is a song you listen to almost 24/7?

6.) Would you rather eat lasagna or spaghetti?

7.) What does your OC look like?

8.) Do you have a YouTube channel?

9.) Is there a certain kind of fanfiction you like?

10.) Who do you hate the most out of all of the people you hate?

11.)Are you noisy or quiet?

12.) Do you have a secret place you like to get away to?

13.) Who is your dream boyfriend Youtuber?
You just got tagged!!!!!:

1.) angelwrath1


3.) IslandGirl111

4.) SupItsRhode

5.) wyvern0

6.) Sidepacksenpai

7.) GamerLaxy

8.) Gamer_girl1210

9.) The_Gothic_Angel

10.) _Jennie_The_Killer_

11.) thatgirlJoJo235

12.) ThatGirlAthens

13.) Bekakillsquidfaceoff

And there ya have your tags! I hope you guys can do dis!


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