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Angelo slowly read the old pages of the worn out book. This one was his favorite out of his collection. Due to the character being as confused as he was.

Confused. A new word to add. A new emotion. Most days he was confused. He could also be happy others. One day he felt anger. He hadn't know that anger was so destructive. He shuddered at the thought of what he did.

Angelo snapped the book closed. He needed to fly. Flying made him feel better. Angelo heaved himself from the floor of the abandoned home and stepped out on the old broken porch. He quickly shrugged off his jacket. Someone gave it to him. He had thanked them. He sat it on the railing and took off.

A smile graced the his lips as he reached heights no one could ever dream of. He liked looking down on the city. It glowed. Albeit, half the city was now out of power it still looked beautiful. Angelo didn't dare stay up too long. The last time he did someone hurt him. He landed after a few minutes, picked up his jacket and book, and left that place.

Angelo was in search of something. Knowledge. Knowledge on what he was and who he was. He was so confused some days all he could do is cry. Today is not one of those days. Today he'll find a new home. One with a door.

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