Love Ritual

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Chris watched Angelo interact with the others. For once the angel showed more than one emotion. He watched as Angelo laughed, got sad, and angry at the stories from the other angels. He couldn't help the small smile that graced his own lips.

"So will you be returning home with us?" Ashley suddenly asked. Everyone quickly became quiet, looking at him. "I mean, you're better now and you can lead us again." Ashley smiled at him.

"I want to stay here." Angelo mumbled.


"I want to stay here." He spoke clearly this time, looking them in the face. "I want to stay with Chris."

"Why?!" Devin asked, "We have so much we can do! Let the world know that we're back and can protect them again."

"They've done fine protecting themselves this far." Angelo sighed, smiling at him. "I think they can survive without us." Angelo sighed. He looked up at Chris, smiling at him. "I think it's time for me to move on."

"No!" Devin shouted as he quickly stood up. Angelo frowned at him, slowly shaking his head.

"Don't Devin. It's time for you to move on also. If there is truly no more threats like the humans then I have no business with interfering with their lives. Don't you understand that?" Angelo explained, looking at him. "I can't keep trying to run off and saving every little being Devin. Just because we're angels doesn't mean that we have to risk everything Devin. I don't want to anymore."

"W-We don't have to Angelo. I just want to be near again." Devin lightly sobbed. "I've missed you."

"And I you. That doesn't mean we can't be happy ourselves. I have a lot of healing to go through Dev, and I won't be hindered." Angelo smiled at him.

"I don't want to leave you." Devin whispered.

"I know. You were always attached to me huh?" Angelo chuckled. Devin glared at him and threw a pillow at him.

"Shut up Ange." Devin grumbled. "Can I... Can I stay near you for now?"

"Yes darling." Angelo sighed, opening his arms for Devin. Devin ran to him, and jumped onto his lap. "There now."

"He always was the baby." Ashley giggled. "The cutest little baby. Let me go and find that caretaker of his and he'll be alright." Ashley ran out the room, and upstairs.

"Devin, what happened after I fell? I can't remember it and all of you seem to be advoiding it." Angelo sighed. "Please."

"We all thought you died." Ricky sighed as he started speaking. "I sent Devin down to check on you, since he was the least hit at the time. I didn't realize that it would be out downfall. We needed him up in the sky with us, and kill them. Devin managed to move your body to some place in Spain and hid you in a church under the alter." Ricky quietly chuckled, shaking his head. "We attempted to hold them back. Yet one by one the others around us fell and died. Wings broken and burnt. Cries of angel's mourning and dying."

"Ricky attempted to get to the head of the humans. He kept getting shot, but didn't ever stop till he cut his head off. We kept dropping humans till we couldn't." Ashley shuddered, closing her eyes. "We made it in. Devin and I."

"We tried to kill them all Angelo. Tried to avenge your death." Devin whimpered. "But we couldn't, so we made a plan on the spot. Ashley made a bomb, and we planted it where they kept the fuel. Put the building on lockdown so no one could leave. Not even us."

"They pushed the button. I was too close and got caught in the blast. We knew out bodies would survive but we were sure that what we were feeling was death." Ricky sighed. "Then I woke up. I don't know how but I did and I went to look for Devin and Ashley. The rubble was old and practically crumbled when I touched it. It didn't take long to find them, and once I did I managed to use the last of my power to wake them."

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