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Angelo walked down the rows of books in Chris's library. The man had given him permission to explore and told him to read whatever caught his eye. He gently touched the books, biting his lip when he found a section of old and worn books. He gently pulled one off the shelf. Angel: How to be a perfect caregiver. Angelo plopped onto the floor opening it. He smiled at the sketch of a female angel with her wings outstretched.

Angelo read through the book. Finding it interesting the more he learned about himself. He blushed a dark red at the picture before the next chapter. A female and male naked, and embracing. He quickly shut the book when he heard foot steps coming towards him.

"There you are. What do you have there?" Chris quickly walked towards him, chuckling at the book. "I see you've found my books. How far did you read?" Chris picked up the book from Angelo's lap, his smirk falling at the marked page. "Did you read this yet?"

"No. I'm sorry for..."

"Don't apologize. I want you to read it. It's about how you get your full energy back. It'll explain it better than I can. If you wish you can read about what I am." Chris smiled at him, pulling another book down. Angelo slowly read the cover; Vampire: A Guide to Understanding. Angelo smiled, quickly and gratefully taking the books.

"Thank you Chris." Angelo stood up, wrapping an arm around the taller male. "Why were you looking for me?"

"I wanted to see if you were hungry. Ryan made something for us to eat." Angelo shrugged, rubbing his stomach. He was hungry but not for food, for something else. "Food will help. If you want I can... Show you that last chapter."

"Will make it go away?" Angelo asked, looking at the floor. Chris nodded, grabbing the books and gently sitting them on the floor.

"Trust me. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt." Angelo sighed, biting his lip when Chris got on his knees.

"Chris..." Angelo gasped, Chris rubbing his groin through his jeans. "O-Oh." He let out a small moan, bucking against Chris's hand. "What... What are you..."

"Angel's feed off the purity of the world. Before humans corrupted it, sex and pleasure was the purest thing you could find. It always stayed that way with your kind, and that's why you've been feeling so worn out. You haven't done anything to help yourself. I didn't realize it was this bad." Chris quickly unbuttoned the Angel's pants, slowly pulling them down to his mid thighs.

"Hmph. It feels so good." Angelo whimpered, looking down at Chris. He silently begged the man for more.

"Don't be embarrassed." Chris mumbled, quickly pulling Angelo's boxers down. The angel blushed, going to hide himself with his hands. "It's okay." Chris soothed him, gently holding his hands away. "Let me." Angelo hesitantly nodded, throwing his head back as Chris wrapped his lips around his erection. He let out a string of moans, the man making him feel things he couldn't imagine.

"Chris!" Angelo cried, he felt something building inside of himself. He cried out, and tangled his fingers in the others hair. He forced Chris all the way down on him, relishing in the warmness around him. "Oh... Oh my," he let out a small scream as he came inside Chris's mouth. He would have fallen too if it weren't for Chris holding his waist.

"That was surprisingly fast." Chris chuckled, standing up. Angelo whimpered, gripping Chris's shirt. "What's wrong?"

"I feel... Unf." Angelo let out a final sigh, a white glow around his figure. "What was that? What did I do? Why did you... Do that?" Angelo blushed.

"You, my fine feathered friend, just had your first orgasm. You did what you were born to do, and it's alright. I did it because it's my duty to take care of you. Especially since there's no one else." Chris frowned, pulling Angelo's pants back up. "I'll teach you how to make yourself cum later." Angelo nodded, standing up straight. 

"Okay. Can we go outside again?" Angelo asked, tilting his head.



Chris watched the angel fly higher than any normal vampire could see. He was beautiful. Just like all angels his glow made him magnificent. Chris couldn't help his smile as Angelo flipped in the air.

"Be careful!" Chris yelled, smirking when Angelo flew out of sight. He let out a small scream when he was lifted a good fifty feet off the ground. "Angelo! You put me down right now!"

"No. I wanna fly with you."
Angelo mumbled, rising higher. "It's so pretty up here." Chris slowly looked down. He hated heights. Fuck heights.

"Please put me down. I don't like this." Chris begged. Angelo shook his head, nuzzling Chris's hair. "A-Angelo."

"Are you scared?" Angelo asked. Chris quickly nodded his head.

"Can we please land?" Chris let out a sigh as they landed. He stumbled away from Angelo and fell to his knees. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry." Angelo mumbled. Chris shook his head, smiling up at Angelo.

"It's okay. I just don't like heights." Chris stood up, grateful for the ground. "Let's just never do that again." Angelo nodded, looking at the ground. "Seriously Angelo, it's okay."

"Okay." Angelo murmured. He looked up, a smile tugging at his lips. "What do you like to do?" Chris bit his lip, thinking.

"I like taking care of Angels." He shrugged.

"Besides that." Angelo giggled, grabbing Chris's arm. "You have to had fun."

"I really just take care of things. Whether it's this city or someone else. It's all I know." Angelo frowned, shaking his head.

"I said I'd take care of you, so that's what I'm going to do. We're going to have fun." Angelo stomped his foot, determined to make Chris have actual fun. "Let's go find something fun."

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