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Angelo woke up with his face pressed against the couch. He was sure he had fallen asleep with Chris. Why wasn't he here now? Why did he leave? Angelo sat up, frowning at the darkened room. He couldn't see very well.

"Lay down." Angelo looked across the room. He made out Chris's form in the dark. "I don't need to sleep." Chris mumbled. Angelo shook his head and slowly reached a hand out to Chris.

"I'm cold." Angelo's voice was barely above a whisper. "Lie with me Chris."

"I can't. I won't be able to hold myself back. I'll have to have you. Just go back to sleep and when you wake up it'll be better." Chris let out a long sigh as he leaned against the door frame.

"Shut up and come here."  Angelo grumbled.  He was cold, and wanted Chris.  

"Okay."  Chris sighed.  He slowly walked back to the Angel, and sat next to him.  Angelo crawled onto his lap and nuzzled his neck.  "Don't do that."  Chris whined.

"Why did you leave me to be cold?"

"I didn't.  I had to get up to make you something to eat."  Chris sighed.  "Let's go eat and then we can give that sword a closer look."  Angelo nodded.  He didn't care as long as he was close to Chris.

Sorry this is short but I just needed to honestly post something to help my funk.  GO READ MY NEW STORY!!! Also, I'm going to start typing this on my computer (using word) and then posting it in here.  I'm just more creative in word and honestly it fixes most of my grammer mistakes that I can't fix on my phone.  That's all folks!!

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