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Angelo awkwardly sat between the two men in the back of a car. He wrapped his arms around himself, and attempted to not touch them. He let out a gasp when they turned and he fell against Ryan.

"You alright?" Ryan frowned at him. "You're safe in here. I promise." Ryan gently patted Angelo's shoulder. "Josh is a bit weird but he wouldn't hurt anyone unless he had to. He has a mate so you don have to worry about him getting in your pants either." Ryan chuckled as Josh glared at him.

"Shut up you dick. I wouldn't cheat on Ryan-Ashley. She'd murder me."

"Then stop flirting with everything that has a hole." Ryan chuckled. He loved annoying the shorter male. "Angelo, what's the first thing you remember?" Angelo looked down at his lap. How does one explain that the earliest thing he remembered was something he felt? Did it even count as a memory?

"I... I was falling? I think. It was dark, at least it had gone dark. It hurt when I landed. Like something twisted." Angelo shook his head. "I woke up and I was dressed like this. Someone gave me a jacket later that night. That was four days ago." Angelo barely talked above a whisper. He was scared to say something wrong.

"Alright. We'll have Josh read your mind if you're okay with it." Angelo simply shrugged, clasping his hands together. "That'll be after we see Chris."

"Who's Chris?" Angelo asked.

"Our coven leader, and mayor of the city." Josh mumbled. Ryan opened the car door, helping Angelo stand up. "How do you think he'll react to him? If he really is an angel."

"I don't know. We're not equipped to handle an angel. Me and you were born at the last years of the angels. We never saw one alive." Angelo frowned at Ryan's words. There was more of him wasn't there? He couldn't be the only one.

"What do you mean dead?" Angelo asked. He stopped and yanked his hand from Ryan's grasp. "Am I supposed to be dead?!" Angelo practically screamed at Ryan. He was scared. He didn't want to be some lonely creature like in his books.

"Why is someone yelling outside my house?" Angelo sniffled, slowly turning around. He was forced to look up to see the man's face. "Who are you?"

"Chris, this is Angelo."

"Take your jacket off." Chris sighed. Angelo didn't listen. He was to busy studying the man's eyes. They were so old. Carrying the weight of so many years. Did his own eyes look like that? Was any part of him old? Was he even what these people say he is?

"Hey! Listen when I'm talking." The man sighed, quickly doing the task for Angelo. He frowned as studied Angelo's arms. "I need you to get undressed."

"Chris. We're still outside." Ryan sighed. His leader never thought before speaking. "Angelo, let's go inside before he makes you strip out here." Angelo quickly attached himself to Ryan's side.

"You made him scared." Josh chuckled looking up a Chris. "This is why you don't go out funding the strays."

"Be quiet." Chris snapped. He walked inside with the others following close behind. "Strip. Now." Chris commanded. Angelo shook his head. "Why now?"

"I-It's i-inappropriate." Angelo stuttered, crossing his arms.

"I'm not going to fuck you. I need to check you." Chris groaned. He was too tired to be messing with this man. "If you don't I'll do it for you."

"Chris, stop." Ryan warned. "Angelo, just do as he says. I'll still be in here. Don't worry." Angelo bit his lip, and looked at the floor. He gripped the hem of his shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. Chris studied his marks, frowning as he recognized them. Angelo blushed as he went to unbutton his pants. He let out a sigh when Chris shook his head.

"Turn." Angelo gladly did as told. He felt too expose. Like he wasn't supposed to let him see the marks. "Oh my... You're a fucking angel!" Chris whisper-yelled. He walked up to Angelo, lightly running his fingers over the man's wings. They were stained black, with a few white feathers tucked under. "What happened to you?!" Angelo winced when he roughly spun back around.

"Please stop touching me." Angelo whimpered. Chris immediately let go. He knelt down in front of him, Ryan and Josh following suit.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think you were actually... Please forgive me." Chris but his lip, peeking up at Angelo.

"Please get up. I don't even know who I am." Angelo whimpered. "Am I... Supposed to be dead?"

"Yes. The rest of the angels are dead as far as we know. How did you survive?"

"I don't know. I didn't even know I was angel till Ryan found me. Can I put my shirt back on?" Angelo asked.

"let me get you new clothes. I'm sorry for being so rude. I'll take good care of you from now on." Chris grabbed Angelo's hand, and ignored any protest from Ryan as he guided Angelo upstairs. He brought Angelo to his room, and sat him on his bed. "Stay. I'll run you a bath." Chris quickly stepped out into his attached bathroom. Angelo pulled his knees to his chest as he heard water running.

"Chris? Why are you doing this?"

"It's a long story. One I'm sure you're not ready for. Just know that I used to take of an angel. Please let me do this for you." Angelo looked up at him. He knew this wasn't just for him. It was for Chris to. He had so much hurt in his eyes. Angelo slowly stood up, following Chris into the bathroom. Chris immediately closed the door, and helped Angelo get the rest of his clothes off.

"Th-Thank you." Angelo stuttered. He quickly turned away from Chris, and covered himself. Chris chuckled, and lifted Angelo into the tub. He sat down, blushed even darker as Chris slowly washed his back.

"I'm sorry I don't have all the things I need. A lot of it or put into storage." Chris' voice was barely above a whisper. "I don't know if I can get this black off your wings." Chris gently ran his hand over one of Angelo's wings. The black ran down, leaving a dark grey feather.

"It's alright. I don't remember them being any other color. Please stop apologizing. You've done nothing wrong." Angelo sighed, relaxing as Chris's fingers rubbed gentle circles against his shoulders. "Mmph." Angelo let out a small groan. Chris only chuckled and continued to bathe him.


Angelo laid curled up on Chris's bed. He was in one Chris's shirt and boxers. Chris had gone to take a shower after he had taken care of Angelo. The angel gently smiled as the door opened.

"Hey, Angelo. I'm going to sleep downstairs. Okay?" Chris whispered, walking to the side of the bed. His eyes lingered on the angel's pale thighs. Angelo frowned up at him. He didn't like sleeping alone. He never really has since some sort of animal would curl up against him at night.

"Stay. Please." Angelo mumbled. Chris sighed, looking down at him.

"I can't. You're acting purely on instinct. I'll be back." Angelo whimpered as Chris left him alone in the dark. He curled into a ball, closing his eyes. He peeked as the door opened once again.

"What's that?" Angelo murmured. Chris was holding a small animal in his arms. He laid it next to the angel.

"It's a shifter. He'll lie with you for now. Okay?" Angelo nodded, smiling as the small creature curled against him. "He may be gone in the morning. If he is just come downstairs. I have more questions to ask you."

"Okay." Angelo sleepily mumbled against the shifter's fur. He quickly fell asleep with the warmth of the creature against himself.

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