The right to love(My view on lgbt)

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This is not poem or anything.This is just my thoughts on LGBT.

Well ,growing up in a conservative country(up till now most of the asian older generations are still not cool with it),I don't really know much about what is gay .Lesbians are more common at where i grew up at.For those girlish guys,I thought they are just like that and will change when they get older.I admit not all girlish guys are gays because my grandpa use feminin noun sometimes as he grew up with his sisters.Well he is as straight as arrow . So don't anyhow judge people too.
The first gay person i encounter was when i was in high school .I was very shock when my gfs tell me he is gay.He is a bit girlish ya but i hv seen fair amount so i dont really bother.Untill they told me and show me .
My first thought on gays well,it is not that good as it is very uncommon at that point of the time.We thought it is weird but we dont bully but we kinda give him silent treatment ..Boy now i feel bad .
Anyway,moving on only when i move out and become a bit older ,I started to understand and accept it.
When it started??There was a project we need to do.One guy suggested that we should talk about Homosexuals.(His friend is gay).I was like what the hell?Can we choose another topic?He was like are you homophobic or something?I am like no i just felt uncomfortable.
Then he was like keep explaining why we should do this .and start telling about how people in africa abandon their child coz they are homosexuals.If it is your family member how you would feel?the lesson continue on and on.
Thanks to him I started to look up on youtube about it and become a more open minded person.Haha...thats how i discover yaoi too ..
After all this,what i am trying to say is if u don't like it just shsh up.Dont bully ,dont say anything.They aint doing anything to you.They just want their freedom.So the least you can do is ignore, at least better then bullying 😓
If it is your family member,please try to understand .You don't know anything up and let him/her to open up to ya.He/she already have hard time in his/her social life.If his/her family don't like him/her ,who he/she goin to open up and talk to.
I Feel very sad when people talk about their parents don't accept them and friends shut them out.
So what they are different. We are also different are we?

So what are your thoughts?please share I would love to listen too.

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