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"Amber! I can't believe you're really here we thought you were dead." The woman exclaimed pulling her into a hug. The man stood by her side pulled her in too, cradling the back of her head and stroking her hair.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"I'm sorry who are you?" She asked them confused, pulling away. She looked to the blonde stood to the right of them with a young brown haired boy who looked hurt. They stood infront of a sign saying 'Storybrooke'. 

"We're your parents."

Why did that keep happening? Storybrooke kept appearing in her dreams and her 'parents' were always in it. She's been a homeless orphan for as long as she's ever known. As soon as she was 8 she ran away from the foster system and took to living on the streets. It can get cold but she has a few friends out here that would save her from any trouble. 

Ever since the first dream she believed the answers she so desperately wanted would be found in Storybrooke. She had managed to find a map and see it was an hours walk from her current 'house' in Maine. It was a few towns over but all she really wanted was answers. Why she was abandoned as a baby. Why she's had no upbringing for 28 years.

When she had finally got there she was cold and tired and pretty sure she was conjuring up the flu which she'd had a million times before. When you live on the streets these things happen.

She walked until she saw the sign main street and saw a bright yellow car parked outside a place called Grannies. She saw the blonde woman and the brown haired boy step out of the car. She felt dizzy and knew she was about to pass out. 

"Help!" She shouted as loud as her weak voice could. 

Emma rushed over to the girl and caught her just as she fell. She shouted Henry to go get Snow and David from Grannies as she stroked the girls fever ridden head. 

"Emma? What is it? Who's that?" Snow asked as she rushed over to the blonde and the girl in her arms.

"I don't know she fainted she has a fever but seems cold. I think it's the flu. Any idea who it is?" Emma asked looking up at her parents who had shocked faces. Even Henry's jaw dropped.  "What?" Emma asked as she looked down at the girl.

That was when she realised. She looked exactly like her, but had dirtier shorter hair and various bruises and cuts and dirt all over her body. She was also deathly thinner. 

"It's your twin sister. Amber." Snow whispered sound guilty but relieved.

"She was born after I put you in the wardrobe. She was in the curse with us but she wasn't anywhere in Storybrooke." David whispered with tears in his eyes. He rushed forwards and scooped the girl up.

"Twin? Why didn't you tell me I had a twin? Or even a sister?" Emma shouted enraged. She could've taken care of her sister during those 28 years however she looks as though she's been living on the streets all this time. 

"We thought she was dead." Snow whispered, still in shock. Emma sighed and followed her parents and soon as they rushed her sister into their home. 


David laid Amber on the bed as Snow ran to get blankets, a fever reducer and a cold flannel. Henry grabbed her a glass of water and also some food from the fridge for her to eat when she woke up.

Emma stood in the doorway not wanting to intrude she knew if it was her in this position again crowding isn't a good idea.

"Amber?" David asked as he shook her gently. She stirred and started mumbling slightly and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw the faces from her dreams she immediately tried to sit up only to be pushed back down again.

"What am I doing here? Who are you?" She asked confused as to whos house she was in. Henry passed her the glass of water and the sandwich and she gratefully took them.

"You're sick and you passed out so we brought you here to rest." Snow smiled.

"They're your parents, Snow White and Prince Charming or Mary Margret and David Nolan. That's your twin sister, my mom Emma Swan and I'm your nephew I guess Henry Mills. Trust me it's hard to explain there was a big curse thing going on but it's over now and you're here so I guess you got Aurora's messages." Henry smiled at her.

"This was you?" Emma asked impressed but also kind of annoyed.

"Curse? Parents? Twin Sister? Nephew? Messages? What? I'm just a homeless girl from Portland. I live on the streets, I'm an orphan. How can I suddenly go from no family to a whole bunch?"

"Magic and Hope." Snow smiled.

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