I'm Back

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I hope you all had an amazing summer? What did you do? Let me know.

Soooooo I now have a boyfriend and we've been going strong for a month tomorrow. He's so lovely and the sweetest guy ever he makes me so happy and feel so safe and loved. I honestly think he might be the one. I love him so fucking much.

I also start college on Tuesday. Luckily I'm there 3 days a week up until Christmas so I should be able to write. I am doing Health and I honestly can't wait for my life to begin.

I got my GCSE results back - I got 7 A's, 2B's, 1 C and 2 Distinctions. I am incredibly proud of myself and I'm so happy all my hard work paid off. My maths paper has been sent off to be remarked for hopefully an A*.

Thank you for always supporting me. I will write very very soon.

I'm back and I missed you all.

I love you,

Hope you're well.

H xx

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